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Everything posted by ruffasguts

  1. Refer to your own post 40. Certainly reads like you are giving advice. Mick W
  2. I canot believe the BS being written here, the aircraft had a major defect and can only be repaired IAW manufactures procedures .as per usual here everybody has an opinion about illegal repairs an then complain about the authorities wanting to inflict more regulations .l do know the facts because i am the engineer who said the aircraft could not be flown facts which i will not share on a forum with people in whos aircraft i would not fly in if they are maintained by the metods descibed Mick W
  3. Give me a call o four o 9676837 mick
  4. You only need a condition report if the aircraft is being sold. if only an annual inspection and only used for private operations you may do it on your level one authority if you are confident to carry out the maintenance a level 2 is only required if used for hire and reward Mick W
  5. Why not just do it as the manufacturer says
  6. not if it is 24/23 registered not difficult to source Bert Flood can supply but will drain your bank account Mick W
  7. The jabiru and rotax charging systems are not suitable for liFePo4 batteries to many spikes as Ralph said the powermate regulator cures the problem ,charge rate must not exceed 14.6 volts Mick
  8. both Raaus 19-xxxx and VH experimental may be flown in controlled airspace both must be equipped with approtiate avionics amd instrument inspections , both need to be issued with CAR 262AP(5) flight over built up area approval Mick
  9. Hay Wentworth Murray bridge. 3 even legs fuel available at all steps Mick W
  10. I built the first CX4 to fly in Australia Built as per the plans . fitted with a 2ltr limbach is under Propped at the moment. 3000 rpm 17 inches manifold pressure. Indicating about 90 knots great to fly , not a difficult tail dragger but like all tail draggers must be respected feel free to pm me Mick W. Gawler South Aust
  11. The aircraft was doing a formation landing therefore the pilot woul have only been looking to his left at the other aircraft only the lead aircraft would be looking forward
  12. That info is from the service manaul Mick W
  13. Suspect it is semiconductor Q316. Q316 is a. 2SC1947 Mick w
  14. jay car $15.00 have used these in alot of applications including sending one to Florida for the prototype Thatcher CX5 cheap and easy starting polnt 10A DC Noise Filter (Improved) CAT.NO: AA3074 Mick W
  15. Incorrect all aircraft are required to fly off a test schedule check tech manual section 3 Mick W
  16. Shell refueler parafield has stock
  17. These radios have a slide clip which moves sideways latching I the grooves in the 2 screws I may have one in the hanger will look tomorow Mick W
  18. Finished the auster yet Mick W
  19. Already is 100 hrs or 12 months which ever occurs first Mick W
  20. Prem fat fingers. Phonex paints Mick
  21. Phones paints have today shipped fabric cement to me made to order Product price great frieght great ripoff Mick
  22. must be fat finger trouble .not intentional unknown button pressing find whatu are doing interesting god luck with it Mick
  23. Refer raaus airworthiness notice 08082014
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