Picolcell Technical Info
Some info for the more technically minded:
Once activated, the Picocell avionics provide the following level of functionality:
- Full duplex voice and text message support for GSM phones capable of operating within the 1800 MHz/1900 MHz GSM frequency bands
- GPRS data (email, internet) and related services
- SMS text
- Supplementary services (call forwarding, caller ID, call waiting, voicemail, etc)
- Pre-paid services
- RF management of all phone technologies (GSM is supported from a service
perspective at the phone - minimum power level. Other mobile technologies
[CDMA, 3G etc] are supported from an RF management perspective to mitigate against possible interference events.)
The Picocell system is made up of three key elements:
Mobile Sub-System (MSS): The MSS, which can be considered the core of the Picocell system, emulates a ground cellular network base transceiver station (BTS) within the aircraft cabin. It provides a wireless connection to passengers’ mobile devices, at a minimum level of RF power in the GSM 1800 MHz frequency band. The MSS includes both RF hardware and software components, which provide call management and service level control.
Radio Interference Avoidance Sub-System (RIAS): By means of low level screening emissions in specific mobile phone frequency bands and formats, the RIAS provides effective RF isolation of the aircraft cabin from any ground mobile base station or handset. The intention of this function, which is provided by two Cell Phone RF Management Units (CRFMUs) under the control of software, is to prevent interference between the aircraft and the overflown ground mobile phone networks.
Antenna System: A dual “leaky line†antenna is used to transmit and receive GSM communications within the cabin and is also used to broadcast the RIAS signals. The aircraft is also equipped with a Satellite Communications system (SATCOM) to enable the information to be sent and received from the Ground Station Service Provider.