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Everything posted by reggie

  1. My registration was due 13 February. I received my first notice for registration Jan 15th. I made sure that all of the information that the RAA requested (incl photos and payment) were presented on Jan 25th. My wife rang the RAA on 8th Feb to ensure that the rego was going to go through on time as we have planned several outings over the next few weeks/months. Before she was even asked to identify herself or the aircraft, she was told that I would not be able to fly as of the 13th as "an audit is taking place and registrations are delayed". She then tried to find out where we were in the queue, but was told that it didn't matter because "expired registrations are still being processed so current regos are further back in the queue". After much persistence from my partner, they finally took my name and registration number and she was told that "all information had been received and looked to be in order" but we were to "cancel our plans" as the registration process would not have been completed by the 13th, and the time frame for registration completion is unknown. I guess that means I need to cancel indefinitely? Perhaps there is no financial cost involved (this time) apart from hangar rental, but the inconvenience is HUGE - because of incompetence! I would be sacked tomorrow if this s*#t happened at my place of employment - especially when all ducks are aligned!
  2. Good on ya CrownBox I went for a fly in one of them at Exmouth WA, what a buzz.
  3. Sorry Nev, Didnt mean to be abrupt. I was just trying to touch on how I made my choice and I believe everyone should do their own research and buy or hire to suit their own needs. By the way Im only too happy to pass on bad points as well as the good.
  4. Not really sure what your getting at. As I said I made my choice to suit me, I couldnt give a toss what anybody else fly's.
  5. No seriously, always wanted to have my own aircraft. Ive done a few hours in Pipers, Cessnas, Tecnam and Jabiru but for me it had to be a Morgan Aeroworks Cougar. I did the research that was applicable to my needs and therefore I made the choice I have. Probably not everyones choice but I dont care as I dont care who else is flying what. But I do like to catch up and have a chat and it doesnt matter to me if they own, hired or borrowed the aircraft they are flying.
  6. Obvious, ride it or fly it like its stolen.
  7. I believe all this stuff about how much your planes worth or how fast it goes is all crap, its like riding a motor bike. It doesn't matter what you ride as long as your out doing it and having a good time.
  8. ed-zachary
  9. The wife and I have worked bloody hard for a long time, the kids are sorted. A few good friends have been getting crook and falling off the perch so hey why not own one.
  10. Experience is learnt the moment after you need it.
  11. Yep have done the 'no step' stickers. Actually been pretty restrained as I was thinking of different wording but it wouldnt have been politically correct.
  12. Sorry, YNRG NARROGIN WA. ELEVATION 1085 feet AMSL GPS POSITION 32 55.663' South 117 04.979' East is that better
  13. Yea Turbo, YNRG. Morgan aeroworks Cougar 19-7999. Lucky there built strong, the flap took the weight ok.
  14. Thanks Wayne, Im pretty sure it was someone who has a bit to do with aviation as its currently hangared at a airstrip that does a lot of gliding and raa training, always people about. Would think they would know better. Anyway I know theres other people at the strip who participate on the forum so I'm hoping the word gets around. Doesn't matter how much deep breathing I do at the moment i'm still spewing.
  15. Thanks to the person that decided to leave me a permanent reminder that they had a look in my aircraft. Im so disappointed that you didnt leave me your ph # or address so I can meet up with you and explain that you don't use the flap as a step. And better still , show you what happens when you step on paint work with sand on the soles of your shoes.. But dont worry, if you cant come and see me I would be happy to come visit you and show you what happens when I walk across the bonnet of your car. have a great day now.
  16. So does this mean i've got no hope of getting a asic? I have no fixed address. I do have a p.o. box. I own properties but I don't live in them. So do I have to lie?
  17. Hi Guernsey, FYI Morgan Aeroworks Cougar 19-7999 is now at its new home in WA. Had a unbelieveable trip home, something everyone should do sometime. Aircraft performed beautifully, a total credit to Garry Morgan and Co. Regards
  18. Hi Guernsey, FYI Morgan Aeroworks Cougar 19-7999 is now at its new home in WA. Had a unbelieveable trip home, something everyone should do sometime. Aircraft performed beautifully, a total credit to Garry Morgan and Co. Regards
  19. Sat next to a bloke on a flight from Sydney to Perth a couple of weeks ago who as he sat reading his AOPA mag decided to pick his nose, roll them up and flick em on the floor. My thoughts at the time were, ' what swamp did he crawl out of '. Needless to say I didnt mention to him that I was interested in aviation as there was no way I wanted to sit next to any longer than that one flight. By the way there were people on the flight that had to be told to fasten their seat belt even after the cabin crew did their presentation. F----d if I know?
  20. So what I should have said is " an aircraft that old could have a bit of corrosion in it " . Make sure you check it out.
  21. And dont forget about the possibility of corrosion. Good chance an aircraft of that age is full of it.
  22. Hi Ian, There is a private strip 25km south west of Boddington. South end of lower Hotham road.
  23. Thanks for the feedback as I said "just curious"
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