The 610 has been a learning curve for me , I am yet to fly in carm air . I can say that the 610 handles the rough very well . 20 LTS per hour roughly average. I am having trouble with my head sets, my new Zulu 2 has muffled feed back when I speak. The other head set is a 3 yr old Bose and may be they are not matched. Every one can hear me ok, but all I hear is rubbish. The auto pilot swings me around a bit. There's no optimum range on the gauges so when your doing your Tees and pees are in the green, there is no green, just numbers. The mixture cable is on the wrong side of the throttle , this takes a moment to get use to. The luggage space is good, the sunvisor s are great, interior is well laid out and very comfortable , plenty of room, yoke is good though a little heavy, it trims up beautifully, it is a little slower than I had hoped, though I am still running it in, it holds good fuel , the doors are great, seating needs to be tailored to suit the user as mine was a bit low. The next model may be refined in the engine bay access door, as it is a little hard To check the oil. It needs a bigger spinner as there is a large flat surface behind the small spinner ( improved air speed ) , I am awaiting some refinements to be fitted to the spars and wheel fairings,(improved air speed). All in all its the best plane I have ever owned