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Everything posted by stevron

  1. The plane does not know its a RA or GA plane , it's a plane , only the pilot knows.
  2. That comment goes towards what I am saying. RA planes are just planes, cessnas and pipers are just planes, so there is no reason a pilot could not fly either RA or GA, the principles are the same. Power , angle attack etc. As I see it's matter us and them. A plane is a plane and a plane does not know if its a GA or a RA , it may handle different , perform slightly different but it's still a plane. So scrap the RA and GA just have endorsements or performance based licences because its the pilot that is the common denominator not the plane.
  3. That is still up to the the pilot not the plane, the plane is a machine it does not know if your a ppl or a RA pilot and as such once you have been skilled to fly a make and model it should not make a difference what licence you have.the pilot may require more information and skill to fly a plane (no matter weather a RA or VH ) at certain locations . Navs are navs , landings are landings etc, if you have the skill to carry out these activities the plane does not care if your a RA or PPL . That's my point , it's the pilot that needs the skills , not the plane
  4. It seems ridiculous that as RA pilot I can not fly a Jab with VH reg, yet I can if its RA reg. In a loose way I can understand the difference between the licence s, but you should be able (after a check flight) be able to fly any thing you have a endorsement on. As its not the plane, it's the peanut steering that's the problem, (as is in motor vehicle driving). As a RA pilot and if I have a GA ppl I can fly my RA reg Jab in to controlled air space, so that shows it is the steerer that has the controlling authority not the plane. A plane is plane just like a car and ute are the same as far as liciencing is concerned. The rest just B.S and over control by some power crazed Govenment dept. Common-sense should prevail and get on with promoting aviation and stop strangling it.
  5. Micro air has an inbuilt intercom
  6. 1 year old, I was told by the supplier of light speed that it would match the Bose.
  7. I have a microair radio, if I used my Bose and light speed head sets the feed back and what the passenger hears is distorted . This is very annoying. Can any one help with some advice. could it be the setting within the radio and or the headsets. If I plug in a head set I got from Ian the microair will not let me transmit on intercom. Steve
  8. 19-20 oct
  9. maybe i might see you there, iam also subject to weather.
  10. Do you have a contact ?
  11. I will be flying over that way with a couple friends , are you going to the broken hill 75 th flying doctor flyin?
  12. With this info do you know where it is located?
  13. Avocet, how's the flying in Hawker, the airport looks good out there , I only seen an old Cessna on it when I past a couple weeks ago. Do you get much passing traffic?
  14. There is no mischief, just an interest in this machine
  15. I don't know were it is and would like to
  16. Thanks, I found it, I really appreciate the replies
  17. Any one seen or herd of the gullwing doored brumby 600 reg no 19-5411
  18. Where can I get a simple explanation (or a video)on how to put in a flight plan ?
  19. Fantastic, I hope you have success with it. I believe the fuel injected motor is the way to go.
  20. Fantastic, I hope you have success with it. I believe the fuel injected motor is the way to go.
  21. Do not worry , I have been out today and it seems better, so I will be monitoring it over the next day or two.
  22. Exactly that, every time you move the yoke you are either pulling or pushing a linkage with a servo attached, so you have friction with every movement
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