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About propfarmer

  • Birthday 21/06/1978


  • Aircraft
    Thruster T500, J170-C on loan
  • Location
    Tottenham, NSW
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  1. I saw the Fly In to Trundle on the 13th. With the recent rain I think I will be planting crop. Would love to get there if I wasn't busy.
  2. Not sure what you've done yet, but complete rubber hose/radiator mount/ Carby socket replacement wouldn't hurt if you don't know its history. One less thing to go wrong. Rotax website has all the info and part numbers you need and Bert Floods should have it all. Hopefully you have (or they are on record with RAAus) the Weight and Balance paperwork. Will make the re-registration process much easier. The skins don't look faded at all. I would be thinking that if you can get someone knowledgeable to give them a test for you, just to be sure, they should last many years if kept out of sunlight.
  3. They are called LSB (light steel beams), unfortunately no longer built here in Aus. The machine that built them and patent was sold to the US I believe. No need for bracing due to the depth of the beams and the wall iron provides strength as well, although I could have braced between the wall purlins (lazy).
  4. Mine was built 5-10 years ago and is 12m x 12m. I think it cost about $7-10,000 in materials with 2nd hand iron used on walls. We used what we call crusher dust (I think crushed granite is similar) mixed with cement powder, watered, then rolled. It sets like concrete at a fraction of the cost. We were having a tennis court built at the same time so the guy who did the earthworks etc used his gear to get the floor beautifully level for me. I'm sure the crusher dust was less than $20/cu mt and I think i used 20-25 cubes, 24 bags of cement, my time and the hire of a small roller. I opted to build bi-fold doors which were a little tricky to get exactly square but it did away with the need for outrigger framework for sliding doors, sorry I don't have a picture of them. I can comfortably fit the Thruster and Jabiru in it along with the thruster trailer and a fridge in the corner for storage. Plan was for it to be big enough for Thruster and GA sized plane. It will be tight but i think it will work.
  5. propfarmer


    Unfortunately I think Pud may no longer be with us, and wingtech have closed I believe. Not sure where you look but keep us posted if you find someone.
  6. Yes my last order hasn't shown up yet. I did call them and they promised to chase it up. I think as Mewp said, there were a few issues on their end. My previous orders have been dispatched promptly.
  7. Will try to get there. Probably only Saturday, and in the Thruster if the weather is good!
  8. Thanks RFguy, most helpful.
  9. I have a 10 amp noise filter (capacitor?) in my power cabling to the intercom/radio. It started to play up (intermittent power supply through it) and needs replacing. It has 4 wires, Red/Black wires in and Orange/Black wires out. Red/Orange is the Positive and Blacks are the Negative. The only noise filters I'm able to find on the inter web only have three wires, 2 pos and one earth? Can anyone help me with what type of noise filter I need to get to replace my exisiting one? Can't seem to find one similar anywhere? Or can i fit these other types into the existing wiring? Thanks in advance David
  10. Here's what mine has. It is a clear tube inside another protective clear tube with marking labels on the post. Picture was taken before I got it flying. It is joined to the original sight tube at the bottom, runs up this post and back along the top of the cockpit and tees back into the breather line. Very easy to see whilst flying. I also have the GT-50 which is quite handy, it has a clock and stopwatch along with other features. IMG_6749.HEIC
  11. Here is a couple more pics
  12. The moulds must be somewhere? Have you done any research, got any leads?
  13. I’d be interested in them but as a newby to thruster aircraft perhaps there may be someone more worthy?
  14. A couple of before/during/after photos.
  15. www.backpackairsports.com.au can custom make whatever you want in that type of thing. Give Adrian a call, you may need to send him your headset.
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