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Everything posted by bobcharl

  1. Thanks iBob, Appreciate the pics and comments. On my previous installation with rubber hose I installed a heat shield almost identical to yours on the LH side and it seemed to work fine. For some reason the RH side hose had much more clearance from the exhaust pipes and consequently had not been fitted with any shielding. I will see how it looks when I re-install the exhaust pipes. Thanks again and happy flying. Bob.
  2. Bugger, I got it wrong, it’s the LH one I am having trouble with. The one you said you had to shape as it was being inserted up to the coolant reservoir. But thanks anyway, I appreciate the response.
  3. Yes iBob, you are quite correct in indicating that the tube on the right hand side is tricky. Would it be possible for you to post a photo of the rear of the motor looking downwards behind the coolant reservoir? It would help me considerably. Bob.
  4. Yeah Skippy, had considered the possibility, but don't expect it to be a problem in my case. Have had difficulties in the past with cold running - have to blank off both radiator and oil cooler according to season. iBob, thanks for the tip - can see how that would happen.
  5. Thankyou everyone for your thoughts on this matter. Did like blues solid pipes, but have some doubt re cowling clearance on the port side, and don't really want to wait for a delivery from the UK, so have decided to go with the SS corrugated tubing from ICP. Acknowledge the fact that they create a couple of extra joins on each side, but don't see that as a huge issue. Have only been able to source positive comments on these, and in the absence of any negative comments think that this is a reasonable decision. Thanks again, Bob.
  6. Hi BrendAn. Talking about the 25mm radiator hoses. Bob.
  7. Thanks Skippy, I cant find the list, is it in this forum or elsewhere? Your help would be appreciated, but keep it simple as I am not very IT literate. Bob.
  8. Am presently carrying our the 5-yearly hose replacement procedure. Having trouble locating suitable hose for the two radiator hoses. seems they are not a Rotax part. Bought some Continental brand hose last time and it was quite successful, but I have not yet been able to source it this time. lots of automotive hose in silicone, but it is too soft and tends to flatten/kink on the curves. Apparently Savannah now come with a flexible stainless steel tube. I have some concerns about this in regard to potential chafing. Anyone had any experience, good or bad with this. What is everyone else doing re radiator hoses at their 5-yearly. All comments gratefully received. Bob.
  9. Busy doesn't even begin to describe your life. All the best Mark.
  10. Looking forward to seeing some more updates on Mable.
  11. bobcharl


    Thx Guy. Could you post the link to this video pls? Bob.
  12. bobcharl


    Realise this post is 14 months old but ,like Kevin, would like more info on this unit, now known as the SuperECO autopilot. The company still answers emails so would seem to be still in business. Would love to get some user reviews but cannot find any anywhere. Perhaps none have been sold? Anyone help? Bob
  13. During WW2 petrol was rationed and many people would store any petrol that was excess to their needs ( rare ) for future use. I recall finding a 44 gallon drum in similar circumstances to pm. I knew from family folklore that it was such petrol. It was yellowish in colour, smelled terrible, could be confused with kero smell but was different. Modern petrol engines would not run on it. It would have been 50 years old. In those days power kerosine as it was known was coloured green, "lighting"kero ( used in kerosine fridges etc.) was blue. I was always told that it was illegal to run road vehicles on kerosine, as it was reserved for agriculture, and other industrial uses to aid the war effort. However, many road vehicles were covertly converted to use kero for reasons of cost and availability. So, could have been either petrol or power kero IMHO.
  14. Hi Jon, The jury struts came as part of the original kit for my VG XL. I later purchased the 600kg upgrade kit separately. Have no definitive info re the VG, but on thinking back I cannot recall seeing any Sav without the jury struts. Agree with Mark in #2, get it checked thoroughly. Bob
  15. Would be very supportive of a subscription based system. However $10 up front and $1 per month sounds like a pittance to me. Ian, you should not think of it as a contribution or donation, rather as a fee for service. And please, forget the FB option. Bob
  16. Dan3111, can you forward me some contact details please? Bob
  17. Dan3111, can you forward me some contact details please? Bob
  18. Sorry Guys, I know that there is a thread pertaining to this somewhere but damned if I can find it. Anyone know of an Australian dealership for these units? Bob
  19. Thanks Nev. Have checked these and they seem to be fine. Onetrack, Thanks also, if all else fails this may be a good fallback position. Bob
  20. Thanks for the comments guys. The installation uses a mechanical fuel pressure gauge. D/U, have been through all the things that you mention without success. T88, you may have picked it. Seems very logical to me. I am away for the next month, but on return will check this out and post the results here. Thanks again, Bob.
  21. Would appreciate some advice re the following: At around 200 hrs the fuel pressure in my Sav started a rapid pressure pulsation. Floods suggested it may be to do with the location of the vent tube from the pump and suggested some fixes, none of which worked. In desperation a new pump was fitted (supplied at no cost to me) and the issue was solved. However 50 hrs later the problem has re-emerged. Floods are at a loss to suggest a cause. Logic would indicate that it is not to do with the installation given the outlined course of events. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what is going on? Bob.
  22. Would love to see the Sunday email re-instated. Bob
  23. I never, ever use full flap for takeoff for the reasons that JG3 details above. However, rightly or wrongly, I always use full flap for landing except in xwind conditions. I don't find any control difficulties and it seems that touchdown speed is a bit slower which is a plus on my could-be-smoother farm strip. Also seems to be easier to keep the nose wheel off at touchdown as compared to one stage of flap, and I think that is important with Savs (as well as lots of others). Bob
  24. Hi All, After attending the members forum I am of the same understanding as XC Buzzard. Would not have minded if parking fees were going to Lions or Men’s Shed.Seems the attending motorists were the soft target. Enjoyed the event though, and would attend next year, even if there are improvements that could be made. Bob
  25. Have just been to AirVenture for its first day at Cessnock. Because of the weather I decided to drive rather than fly. Rather surprised to be hit with a $10 per day parking charge. Did not know anything about it, did anyone else? Argued my way out of it but do not like my chances of the same tomorrow. Be prepared. Bob.
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