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Everything posted by raindrops

  1. Cheers everyone. Thanks for the well wishes. I tell you what though... I'm looking forward to getting home. Brain melt down approaching from studying day-in day-out. You get the weekend off, but like last weekend I read the CASA Met text book cover to cover then did questions the rest of the time. Will make going back to work seem like a breeze :-)
  2. Hello all (and Eric!), I'm still in Qld at Bob Taits CPL Theory course.... so far so good! Though we had a delay with our Met exam when CASA's server was down, so lucky us, we all get to do BOTH the Met and Nav exam on the same day- a massive 45mins between the two. I have ditched the idea of buying an aircraft outright and looking into a syndicate. As for training, I'll probably get back up in the air around March when my work roster changes back to 8/6. Then I can consistently (?sort of?) do blocks of training. IF... the syndicate thing works out. That means I'd be able to train out of Jandakot. --> I'm opening the forum to opinions of the schools at Jandakot... what's the good, bad and ugly? I've been there a few times now, did my BAK at one and just stuck my head in for a chat at the others. If anyone is stuck on the theory side of aviation training, I can tell you its worth coming to Bob's school. I would even recommend PPL pilots to do the CPL theory just for to get a sound knowledge behind you. In the end they would count instead of the PPL exams. Its not hard to learn, just takes a little time to listen and read all about it. Well that's enough from me for now! Cheers and blue skies, Raindrops
  3. The have matching fancy sheets of paper saying PASS....wooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Still holding my breath though; Met, Nav, Air Law and HPL still to go. :chat: then hopefully....
  4. CPL Exams update! What do Aerodynamics, General Knowledge and Performance have in common (besides fancy capital letters)???
  5. Copy that! I've certainly got plans for the ATPLs asap... as long as my brain doesn't implode before then. Its keeping the discipline... but with a lovely goal of having it all done and dusted by the end of the CPL training, it makes it easier to keep motivated.
  6. Hi there, Looks like I've been offline for a while returning to lots of msgs! Ops. Thanks for the welcome :-) I'm in Perth since moving from outback NSW. Hopefully I'll have my CPL completed by approx end of 2012. In the end, mostly due to less complications, I think I'll look at the syndicate or just hiring. I'm slightly concerned that I wouldn't be able to sell an a/c as soon as I'd finished the training and thus having a $-sucker whilst I'm not requiring it. Post CPL- I think I'll save up a few $ in my current job before trying to get work in aviation (expecting low pay! hehe). I'll probably try my luck at getting work flying the skydive planes, fire spotting and survey work if I can. Maybe see if there are any cadetships going at the regionals? Its still a year away, I'm sure things will change between now and then. Any ideas and suggestions are welcome though! Cheers Raindrops:rain:
  7. Hi there, Yeah, I'm still over here. Its a 2months course for all the 7 exams. Thank gosh I did this, since being out of the a/c for a year and not even done the PPL Theory exam (you only need to have a BAK if you're doing the 200hr course. If you're doing the 150hr course you also need 5hrs solo xc). So with my limited everything, I snuck through the Aerody exam and got back into the swing of things (studying mostly). I think its a great way to focus and learn all that you need to know, rather than disjointed at home. Plus Bob highlights many important facts that I may have glossed over whilst reading. Also, he gives you great tips for the exam- how they may approach questions, plus practice exams and online exams. Little things that would take me a while to figure out on my own, you just ask him and badaboom, all sorted, no brain strain. If I did it from home, it would have taken me ages. Mostly from a discipline perspective. Hope that's useful info. Cheers,
  8. Nice one Alan!!
  9. I have found some great tips from people all over! I think I've also got RSI from playing on the computer all day too :-o hehe rgmwa - I obtained my RA Aus Licence back in Orange, NSW. Then started converting to PPL at Mourya, NSW. Since moving to WA recently, I've decided to do my CPL Theory exams, then continue with the flying training (meaning no PPL Theory exam!). I was looking at going to Bunbury, from what I hear it'll be cheaper and easier to book in blocks of flying? I could be wrong, would be interested in anyones advice on WA flying schools. I do live in Perth, but don't mind to travel. I used to live in Cobar, NSW and train in Moruya on my time off work... gooogle.maps that one! So after looking around at potential aircraft to maybe buy to train on... (I say again, that's a maybe)... Cessna 172 XP Hawk is on the top of the list. Enter discussion on that choice here -->
  10. Hi Adrian, Call the school. I'm going to the CPL course and they have people who offer home stay accom. $300/week includes food and accom! Cheers
  11. Hi Stanzahero, Thanks for the welcome! I actually came on the forum to get some hot tips on purchasing aircraft. I'm embarking on my CPL after having done my RA Aus licence and part-way through PPL. I'm looking into the economics of buying a plane to do my CPL hours rather than hiring. So if anyone has any ideas or knows of any shares in a plane in Perth or thereabouts, please let me know Cheers raindrops
  12. Hello hello, I'm off to Bob Tait's school to do my CPL Theory. Will let you know how that works out- should be interesting going in 'cold' and hopefully coming out with all 7 exams done after 2months?!? Sounds impossible to do!? I'm an odd-ball, I got my RA Aus Licence, started converting to PPL. Am doing my CPL exams, then finishing off the flying for PPL and CPL. Means I don't have to do a PPL Theory exam! Woo! Since I did RA Aus, I have to do the 200-hr module to allow those hours to count, so no worries with timing on the CPL Theory exams. So I'm in Perth and am weighing up the idea of buying a plane to knock out the rest of my hours? Any thoughts people? Cost of buying vs. hiring? Anyone interested in going shares in a plane? Cheers lads and ladies, raindrops
  13. Hello there, I'm not only new to this forum but also new to the west coast australia. So happy to hear from the folks from over here! Cheers, raindrops :diepig:
  14. Hi there OME, I saw an old post of yours- talking about 100 hour services, you seem to know what you are on about. I'm looking into the prospect of buying a plane to do my CPL training on, rather than hire the school's. Beyond the initial price of, say a Cessna 150 or 172, what do you think would be the ball-park cost? Do you reckon it would work out more economic to buy than hire? Cheers, Leonie
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