Maules are a great plane, hand build by a family company in the States and not mass produced, but must be kept in a hangar because of the rag fuselage, behind the doors. Comparing my Maule with a similarly aged 172 Cessna there is quite a savings in price (around $100K) and with its STOL performance, stronger undercarriage, bigger wheels and larger payload (400 Kgs), it beats me why anyone would choose a Cessna over a Maule. But then as so many of these choices are; it comes down to personal taste.
Maule performance is very much like a Tecnam with cruise KIAS of 110, 72k glide speed, 70k coming into land, 65k over the fence and a stall of 35 - 40k with one stage of flaps. Two stages of flaps @ 40 degrees and the flaps are nearly the length of the wing, so huge float in ability. I always felt the Tecnam was hard to get onto the ground, it just wanted to keep flying and I often had to use side slip to get it down. Being heavier, the Maule with reduced revs and 2 stages of flaps will drop out of the sky quite rapidly. Check out some of the Youtube footage. Type in Maule STOL or Maule Bushwacker to see some skilled flying.
Thinking today that with the weather looking bad in Melbourne for the next week, I will hold off finishing my PPL and try and get some training time in if possible, before I go out with the CFI again. I have programmed a trip from Melbourne to St George on Friday the 5th August and was hoping to have my PPL before then so the pressure was on me to complete...and now with that not possilbe the pressure is off. I have asked a Maule driver friend to fly over from Tassie and fly with us to St George and back. What's in St George??..Well the BIG FAT & UGLY BASTARDS 60TH BIRTHDAY BASH, thats what!