Hi all,
I dont post much any where these years but some things are important as our declining numbers reduce information sharing.
Any way , Im from the early trike days when soarmasters were the rage ,I had the only one in oz for a few years and soon learned that my home built trike with a yamaha 350cc direct drive flew so much better than the soarmaster ..obvious today of course.
Over the years as 2 place trikes with 447 503 532 and hanglider wings with some strength added in a few areas, keel, wires and sometimes cross bars . no real engineering but hang gliders were designed by built it until it breaks then fix that bit ( general aviation does this too if you look at the history)
These slower machines which were protected by the billow , load shedding and air speed limits of about 40mph there were few structural problems and no spiral dives back then.
As some of us started to re invent the aircraft and train pilots to understand that other air users were to be allowed for ,the speeds and stiffness of our modified hang gliders was having the effect of High landing speeds and enough inertia to loop if that was how silly you wanted to be .
The one thing that I noticed with these new fast strong hang gliders was that when flying 2 up one could stall in a tight turn and have the bar forced away from you with high force and build speed with no real control .
I experienced this once at 2000 ft and somehow pulled out at 500 ft .
The problem in a nutshell is that when a well loaded weight shift aircraft stalls at high speed causes the g loading to increase making it even more impossible to recover .
Many wind in spiral dive deaths were caused by this . Few were ever defined as speed stall spiral dives.
A low weight converted hang glider will not suffer from this defect which was never discussed by manufacturers who would say ,rightfully ,dont stall at high bank and introduce training to avoid the condition in the first place . This was the only sensible thing to do at the time but never admitting that weight shift aircraft have limits as all aircraft do .
As my age and wisdom combine I find myself flying my nano trike , an airborne shark or a fun 190 over a m25y black devil ,to be the most satisfying thing to fly just as they were in the late 70's but much better power plants and props .
Strictly coastal flying avoids power lines and offers safe landing 99% of the time .
This is to me what ultralight flying is all about ,there is no where to go so and lots to see ...what's the $$%ing hurry any way ?
20 paces take off 30 paces landing ...less with wind . and 10 liters of fuel is a days flying ..assisted by cliffs and sand dunes .
They are pretty shitty to fly in mid day thermals unless that's your thing ..its not mine .
Any way I hope that this message is well received by those who have as did I , out smarted myself with the latest and greatest only to discover that cabin heat and comfort is available at airports and ultralights were invented because of their simplicity portability and forgiving handling (as long as the weight is kept down).
This is all just my opinion based on lots of trials and few errors.
Safe Flying, however you make it so .