I find the regulations/recommendations very confusing. In the VFR-world below 10,000', there should be ONE Frequecy in use, CTAF. Yet we are supposed to use area above 5,000', which means you are missing out on the traffic info below 5,000'.
Area is also full of the jet-jockeys and ATC who talk at the speed of sound and none of their transmissions have anything to do with the VFR traffic below 10,000'.
If CASA/Air Services would be serious about safety, there would be only one frequency in every airspace, eg CTAF from surface to 5,000' and an area frequency from 5,000' to 10,000' where ATC can be contacted, then anything above 10,000' on the normal area frequency. That would remove the irrelevant chit-chat and pilots would actually listen to the area frequency below 10,000'.
There have been quite a number of occurences due to planes being on the different frequencies in the VFR space, a few with fatal consequences.