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Everything posted by solomon

  1. Thanks boingk. I do allot of sport at school, and from what i remember i got about 12 on my last beep test, i look skinny but i weigh 72kg.
  2. Thank you flyvulcan, that was really helpful.
  3. Hi, I’ve been here for about 6 and half years, and I really want to become a Royal Australian Air Force pilot, and I’m willing to do anything to get that job! I said Australian air force just to make my typing shorter, but thanks for the heads up guys.
  4. Hey guys, I'm thinking of joining the Australian air force now, but I’m only a New Zealand citizen and I’ve been told you must have an Australian citizenship to join the Australian air force. I can always move back to New Zealand and join theirs but that means I’m going to be away from family and friends for a long time. Is there anyone that can give me a suggestion or is there other ways to get in? I will apply for residents next year when I’m 18, but I don’t know if that will give me any exception. Any help or advice will be great. Thanks guys.
  5. I'm 17, and thank's for that i'm giving it a second thought.
  6. Thanks guys this is a big help, I was just wondering can you change from an air force officer say after you finished your 12 years, to a commercial pilot captain? Or do you have to go back to the start and become a co-pilot first, when you change over from the air force despite having a large amount of flying experience with jets?
  7. Thanks guys, I'll find a way. But my friend’s dad works for Qantas and he's a captain earning just over $500,000 a year! It was also on the news when Qantas pilots went on strike because they weren’t getting paid enough even though they're already earning half a million a year, but I guess tax would probably bring it down to maybe between $350,000 to $400'000. Which is still quite a fair bit of money.
  8. Hmm... I was thinking of joining Qantas, but don’t know how I’m going to get hours up with a multi turbine aircraft.
  9. Love flying!!
  10. Hey guys, I’m thinking of becoming a commercial pilot once I finish high school, and I know there are many ways to become a commercial pilot, but I want to know the least expensive way of doing it. I was going to join the air force first then change over to commercial, but they have a 12 year contract, and I’m not to shore if that’s what I want to be doing for the next 12 years. Any help would be great! Thanks guys.
  11. Not yet, i'm still gathering new materials to rebuild 50% of the aircraft.
  12. Thanks guys!
  13. No, hahaha it's for building a plane, I guess you just don’t see 16 year olds building planes these days.
  14. Hey guys, I got nominated for a high achievement award at the Sydney Opera House, well I’ll let you guess what for... But if you're interested in coming along, please feel welcome to, but the cost is around $250 per person, and the ticket will be cheaper if purchased sooner. The event takes place on the 25th of August 2012 at the Sydney Opera House from 11am -5pm. Here's the website for more info: http://awards.celebrateafricanaustralians.org/event-features I'll be up against other people like doctors, scientists and singers who have achieved something big, and I think the award was called an 'African-Australian ward' so wish me luck.
  15. Congratulation mate!! It would have been quite a feeling being up there on your own for the first time, wish you all the best for the future.
  16. I remember once training with my instructor and i got three greasers in a row and he was very impressed, I only just realised how rare it is to actually pull one off.
  17. Thanks guys greatly appreciated! It’s been quite a ride, and im looking forwards to more things yet to come.
  18. Finally finished my flight training, just two more hours to get my passenger endorsement then I’ll go and do cross country. Thanks to all my instructors who got me up to this stage, and everyone else who helped me!
  19. Great thanks guys! So I believe having the flaps down slightly will have the same affect as a twisted wing right?
  20. Anyone know why the wing tips must stall last? I was once told but i forgot the reason and also would most ultralights have this feature?
  21. Thanks guy I really appreciate it, but I’m not going to give up there, like some of you mentioned I’ve already stated making a few improvement to the design. Hopefully by the time it's done it would a much better plane than it was before. I remember the fire fighter came at the scene looking very surprised to see a small plane and asked if I built that all by myself when I told them they were very impressed and told me not give up and keep going with that great work. The moment after we finished up cleaning the big mess I when straight back to work on it again.
  22. I was welding last Thursday on the tail section of the aircraft that i was building and a spark jumped into the interior without my notice and caught fire. By the time i noticed it had grown very quickly and had trouble finding the pressurised spray bottle i had next to me. So i was forced to push the plane away from the house and watched as the fire grew and i realised i left a fuel container in there from the previous engine test run, containing about a quarter of a litre of fuel it but it was too late to grab it. So it exploded in the fire. Neighbours came out and helped us take out the fire and now all that left of my plane is the metal frame. But I’ve already begun rebuilding the damage, the fire destroyed the whole front and middle section, the right engine and both propellers.
  23. Would you need a full RAA Pilots Certificate or can I still be allowed to operate it with a RAA Student Pilot Certificate?
  24. Thanks David that was very helpful, I’m sure I can stay within the regulation no problem, just hoping you wouldn't need a sports pilot licence to fly them.
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