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Everything posted by solomon

  1. Ok thanks ozzie I will. I originally had two separate throttles, but someone told me if you want to register a twin engine you have to have them under one throttle so they’re counted as a single engine aircraft. But I know now it's totally not the solution in that case, twin throttle would also help me make tighter turns when taxing on ground.
  2. hi everyone, I'm building an ultralight plane from scratch and I’ve installed two motors and thinking of putting a third one on all under one throttle. The plane so far weighs 89kg empty and by the time I’m done it will be around 126kg empty with a gross take-off weight of about 191kg. It's now also got an 8m wingspan. Does anyone know what category it can be registered under hopefully one that doesn’t require a sports pilot licence and allows multi engine?? Please if you have any information I’ll be more than happy to listen Thank you Solomon Old image below:
  3. One bathroom scale will be enough for my plane since it only weighs 65kg , but only if I can get it to balance on one wheel.
  4. Thanks Maj, i really think that plane you built is great!
  5. I can now say I’m at least a little bit past half way to getting it done!
  6. Don’t worry this thing is not leaving ground until it's ready and tested, I’ve put allot of thought in to everything you just for over the past two years over 12oo hours working on it. By the time it's done I know it's going to safe because everything would of been tested. The plane has a role cage design and it's really light making very low impact in case of any accidents, the main frame that will undergo the most stress during flight and on ground is made from galvanized steel tubing and the take-off and landing speed will be reduced to a safe 20-28 knots. Concerning my motorised bike goes faster than 28 knots then I think I should be allotted safer inside a cockpit with a role cage and a recovery chute.
  7. Welcome to Aircraft Pilots TBAR!
  8. Hey ozzie, that might be a good idea. I'm redoing the CG from the beginning as soon as I finish remodelling the wings to get more lift and expanding the tail section. With the new wings I hope to get the plane off the ground at 35-45km/h rather than its current take of speed of about 60-65km/h. It will make it allot safer since at higher speeds the rudder control becomes over sensitive. I plan in finding the CG by hanging the whole plane off ground until it's balanced (with my weight included). Then I'll balance the plane on its CP which should be behind the CG, if the nose in too heavy then I’ll remove the excess weight on the nose until I get the plane to be just slightly nose heavy.
  9. Hi Sain, I was thinking of using sand bags to do the load test but I don’t know where to get any because I will need around at least 900kg of it just to do a +6G load test. So I’m trying to find other ways of doing it, if anyone has other ideas I’ll be happy to listen. Also with the design I did allot of research on the internet and finally came up with an idea and I just kept building on from that. I have lots of books on planes but none on how to build one! I just learn of the internet but I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me one or two of them books. Thanks Sain.
  10. Hey Andrew, yea I’ve had a few engineers come along and look at it and they think it's great but I need to get ones who work with ultralights, and I’ll be sure to complete all the on ground testing before the test flight. (I’ll also get Bruce to give you a call) Thanks Andrew.
  11. Hey Glen, yea mine will fit under the category since is half the allowance limit, but I’m thinking of expanding the tail section out a bit more for better stabilization and as for the power you can pretty much fly with any engine so long the wings produce the lift needed from what the engines are giving out. This plane won’t be going anywhere until I think it has a good chance of flying properly and safely! Thanks Glen.
  12. Hey there, I forgot to mention my gross weight at take including me and a full fuel tank is just about 150kg, the plane looks allot lighter than it looks.
  13. Ok, I'll be sure to double check that. Thank you.
  14. Ok thanks for that I'll let you know when I need it.
  15. Yea that is indeed true, but some told me that I wasn’t allowed to have a dual throttle on an ultralight, because if you have twin engines on an ultralight they must be under one throttle control so that they count as a single engine.
  16. It's a single throttle for both engines. I estimated that the cruise speed will be 80-90km/h, stall speed 55km/h or possibly lower if I make modification to the wings and a VNE of 105km/h. My engines are both a baumr 62cc engines 4.1 hp each revving a maximum of 11'000 rpm with no load and spinning 24 by 16 inch menz wooden props. I’m not sure how much thrust they produce but when they’re both running at full power they can push really good! I was also thinking of getting recovery chutes for Para gliders since they are allot smaller and lighter and can carry my plane at gross weight of around 160kg.
  17. I modified two high performance chainsaw engines they give a total power of 8.2hp
  18. not yet, but I'll get to it soon.
  19. Hey winsor68, the jabiru that I flew felt like are very stable plane and their not very sensitive either but their good fun. Whereas mine even though I haven’t flown it yet I know the pitching is going to be very sensitive since the tail is short and also I’ve also noticed when I was taxing up down the ruder pedals which also controls the front nose wheel is extremely sensitive if you over correct during take with them pedal it will be trouble. So yea... when I sit inside my plane it feels allot different to anything I flew before because of it size and layout.
  20. Hey guy Solomon here, some of you might know me and some of you might not but I’ve been working on this little plane for about 2 years now not much work is left and I’m up to the all-important weight and balance. It's tricky getting a plane that weighs around the same as the pilot to be well balanced during flight, and so I was wondering if anyone knew where the cheapest place I can get a recovery chute, the lowest I found was $700 on eBay but I can’t afford that right now. I would also like to know if there’s any chance of my plane getting a registration, because I heard the inspectors can be very picky over things. It would be great help and muchly appreciated if you guys can help me. I'll keep you up to date soon with some videos.
  21. hey Andrew how you been? just wanted to ask you if you can send me the raw footage of all those flight training videos on a CD? because the ABC guys really want it! And also wondering if by any chance you'd know how long it will take to finish part 2 of the traing video. Thanks for everything again Andrew!
  22. hey Jeff, Yes i did complete all my lessons and whent solo! it was a great feeling and i'll be shure to call Bruce very soon!
  23. hey guys! im well and truelly into my training now, we've covered allot of things during theory lessons and practicle. Im having such a blast up here in NSW this is truelly a great opportunity for me, although i came here with quite a bit of knowledge about planes which made the theory lesssons more easier for me, but i have to say i learnt a lot more from the practicle side since i've had very little experience in that area. This will definitely help me in the future and it will also help with my plane project, i cant say how great it's been so far and im looking forwards to other great things yet to come! I like to thank Motz for putting in the great effort in putting those videos together, he's done a great job of it too. So stay tuned everyone theres probably more yet to come!
  24. Trailer for a plane* excuse my bad spelling. hey guys, i'm looking for a small trailer i can use to transpport my small 75kg airplane to the airport. The plane is nearly complete but im gona need some way of getting it there when its finished, if anyone knows where i'll be able to get one then that would be great!
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