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Everything posted by solomon

  1. hey motzartmerv, i just wnted to let you know that im finishing school on the 22nd of september thursday. Im really excited and really looking forwards to it, do you know when you will be able to pick me up and when we might finish our training? If you can let me know and organise a scedual for that it would be great! thank you so much. Solomon.
  2. I have just received the Pilots kit, i cant thank enough to those that had donated it. it's going to be a great help! :)
  3. thats relly a great news for me and my familly. i am very greatfull for all offer i am getting. thank you all for giveing me the opportunity.
  4. pls, do that i love to have one . i dont mind wether hd or not as long as doing the job mate!!!!
  5. thank you greatly:big_grin:
  6. thak you so much! I dont take flying lessons but i have been offered one by great people up in NSW and i've also had another kind offer for a circut flight. I also by the way live in hoppers crossing.
  7. Hi Jeff thank you so much for your kind offer, i shure will be intrested in doing thoes circuits with you. I do live in melbourne and you can contact me through 87427616 or 0421032729 from 4pm onwards i thank you once again!
  8. thank you
  9. thank you that means allot to me, so long its not under powered i rekon it could fly:big_grin:
  10. thank you very much and I shure will.
  11. thank you so much, thank you all you guys are just great!
  12. maybe in about two to three months
  13. hi everyone!! Some of you may not no me but my name is solomon new member to this website. i've just recently been on tv because i've been working on an ultralight plane of my own. Alot of people think it great for some one may age and everyone here is giving me nice comments and i thanks you all extreemly for that, and thank to thoes generous people out there who is supporting me through my little project and giving me that flying lesson, which i will need to test flight my plane one it'ss done. I'm really look foward to comming over there during school holidays meeting all thoes great people:big_grin:
  14. Thank you Ian for the complement and this is a great opportunity to work with you guys. I am looking forward to it .
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