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About spacesailor

  • Birthday 06/10/1942


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    Toongabbie 2146 NSW
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  1. " calibrated airspeed " . CAS I thought meant computered air Speed . spacesailor
  2. I always thought , the thinner the air , the VNA would be moot . Look at the speed of satellites. They certainly couldn't do that speed at "mean sea level " . spacelsailor
  3. We ' have ' the police who seem to lookafter the crims first . Who ,don't come to you , when you report a crime against you. But should you even accidentally hurt the crim . They arrest you, promptly . spacesailor
  4. I had to give-up my father's ' Amy rifle ' , I even had it licensed & in a shooting club . But Coming to Australia meant , those legal firearms, would have been scrapped . Before any questions were asked . ' Past down through generations ' only to be lost to bureaucracy. my youngest daughter had to purchase someone's else's rifle , here in Australia. spacesailor
  5. not just mAviators ! . Even tho I had that Angelic urge to gain wings . That probably started with." Bigglles " as a child , I have never given up . Knocked back many times . I need ' FAA part 103 ' . spacesailor PS. : After being told " I'll never gain a ppc " this site got me out of deep depression ! .
  6. "Recycling " . All of Europe s milk bottles were washed & reused. The. Bottle manufacturer r said they can make those bottles cheaper than washing ! . Now can some-one, find a good economic use for " Crushed glass " . It could be used instead of course sand . In ' Concrete/ Mortar/ Road bitumen mix , etc. We will soon have a mountain of recycled glass . spacesailor
  7. I'm not find that number of charging stations wherever I need them . Local supermarket has one ! . Not so good as I expected. Then I did the Dubbo to Parramatta on a electric car charge map . A complete failure . Just couldn't find those that where they were supposed to be ! . Neighbour has a Tesla 3 , & even he had trouble going to Brisbane for a holiday . spacesailor
  8. A squirter of H . Will that move a stubborn engine , that's what SYB does marvellously I converted an IC car to ethanol, by putting a thick " head-gasket " in to lower the ComRat . Worked OK. But heavy fuel use . spacesailor
  9. How far would would that litte canister of H , take a two ton 6 cylinder car . spacesailor PS. : what would be the IC modifications to use H. An IC motor will run on " Start y B " but no one would risk their motor
  10. No one noticed that the two pinion gears , on thar crankshaft both turn clockwise yet the crown wheel requires one clockwise and one anticlockwise. Did they use " magic ' ! . spacesailor
  11. Some sense at last ! . ' legal to fly ' , if flown ! . Illegal to fly ! . If not flown ! . What ' lawyer-speak ' rubbish is this ' . ( the grandfather clause ) spacesailor PS. : If you say it did fly . You get fined for operating an unregistered aircraft . Catch 22
  12. Excellent!. Thank you , for this contribution . spacesailor
  13. It didn't work on the " Ten pound " poms . So they made them into a film . LoL spacesailor
  14. My bro kept ' dads' " popular Mechanics " from number one to the latest. Then they were put in a seal tub , with a little ' formaldehyde. They were sent to auction on his demise. Who reported at a very late date , they were sent to the tip as not saleable. So try to find a good home for them, not relying on people who have no interest in them . spacesailor
  15. But is it legal . Another dream , to fulfil my hopes of flying , one day in the future. spacesailor
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