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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. " Innocent untill proven guilty " . Not in Australia !. In all taxation matters ' you Are guilty, untill you prove your Innocence ' . spacesailor
  2. " Civil Aviation Safety Aurthority " . The safe aircraft are not flying . Has Any museum aircraft crashed lately. spacesailor
  3. Thanks Flying Vizsla . I did get down there & read that sentence! . But my brain didn't find an " aeroplane " . anywhere listed . Not even a Human Powered Aircfraft " Airglow " spacesailor
  4. Where in , " USA FAA DOCUMENTS " . Does one find " CASA " . spacesailor
  5. Wouldn't it be simpler to put a male end onto one piece, then a female end onto the other. . The joining parts are readily available from ' Jaycar ' or your nearest amateur radio group . spacesailor
  6. " ask the question " . I've tried to make sense of that rambling document. I don't think my brain is educated in ' lawyer speak ' . Or amateur bureaucratic lawyer speak . Lots of drug testing ,but no sign of " FAA part 103 " . Please dig any useful information out . For the illiterate of us . spacesailor
  7. Those 2v cells work-out much dearer , than ready made battery bank 12 v . The 2v cells take heaps of caring, if one cell runs low on electrolyte it could ruin the battery-bank . The fork lift batteries I can get , here in Sydney, have a cell defunct & they find it cheaper to sell them " as is " . Remade from 72 v to 48 , with a 12 v spare . Except for the weight & handling I would have bought one . spacesailor
  8. I changed my lead-acid. Wet batteries after about 6 years , but they were second-hand that long ago. Secondhand ' lithium ' 300 ah ,were selling in Sydney for a $ couple of hundred. spacesailor
  9. A ban on private drones should work !. If a child is caught flying a drone then confiscate dads car . ( make the kids walk to school ) Lucky me my kids don't borrow my drones . spacesailor
  10. What do you use when temps exceed 45°C .my garage has just cooked two more AGM batteries , not in use, just new spares. Tested with volt meter, only 8 volts , & not taking a one amp charge. I have better luck with the " wet cel." Type . ( at least , I can top up with water ) . spacesailor PS : I'm looking at 'lithium ' batteries . But worry over the fire aspect
  11. " Blind pilots " England had one that flew into Mascot airport . APRIL 2007 . TOOK off from " BIGGIN HILL " spacesailor
  12. O, dear . spacesailor
  13. Talking of working on ' transport ' ready to roll !. My brother had to do some work on a " war ship " while still hard at it ,the ship had to do an ' emergency ' departure. He was treated like royalty, dining in the officers mess for over a week . Mum was worried sick, not knowing were he was , untill the police brought a message to her . Passed away at 56 years & only one filling in his teeth . spacesailor
  14. He wil be sailing into troubled water's . SO Turn to starboard and go with the flow , Melbourne will welcome you ! . spacesailor
  15. I " hotted-up " my old lawn mower . And with a ' faster spin ' ( RPM ) I . Now I only 'mt' ( empty ) the catcher twice, as opposed to four times . Much quicker lawn trimming. LoL ( doesn't matter about the longevity ) . The wife's got the new one . spacesailor
  16. It was drummed into us when training!. Engine Failure After Take-off. If too slow getting the nose down, ' you stall ' . Only four pages ( A4 ) of abrieviations. spacesailor
  17. I doubt the landing phrase is the problem, but take-off ! , Full power ,with the ever EFATO . Looms high . spacesailor
  18. Not a proper hopper just ' everything ' out of thr rear cockpit and a trapdoor, with a bolt & cable to let it open . the top sheated over to keep the contents in . We had that sheeting top off , to kneel in the rear & fast taxiing up & down the runway to run it out of fuel . Great fun . spacesailor
  19. That is what ' killed ' the Wirraway that I bought for the biggest bottle of scotch I could buy. The farmer used it for topdressing and it corroded the airframe . It could have been repaired, but , were to keep it for free . ( in NZ ) . spacesailor
  20. spacesailor

    Rans S14

    I WAS 110 K'S Before hip operation. This morning 78.6 kgs. Of course I had to get dressed after weighing. LoL Hummel bird 80 kgs Max.' With cloths of course More weight too loose , spacesailor
  21. Are you in the process of planting ! Pencil Pine trees soon . ( fast growing ) . or Eucalyptus Regan's. Mountain Ash .( slow growing but super tall ) . I have " pencil Pines " in the front garden. spacesailor
  22. After. Reading the list of " allowed " maintenance items , it leaves me out !. So no good my getting a L1 endorsement, as I have to do " both " magneto points & valve jap adjustments periodically. ( I also do the spark plugs gap , ( oil fogging the bores too ) ). spacesailor
  23. So ! . You don't have to be a 'pilot ' .to work as a L1 , just a raa member . spacesailor
  24. Missing in that list of items allowed! . Magneto points . Lots of aircraft motors have them . 16 thou . But what is that , In the new language. spacesailor
  25. RC , I have a local field at the end of the road , and I could ( in theory ) register it as a " full scale flying model " . Just needs an electric motor . Servos & a big battery . spacesailor
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