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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. Not quite right. Truckies often run red lights, but , do Not get fined . ( 0.04 second for me $ 480 fine ). Only those hidden camera's get them . Discresion by they police for ' Profesional drivers ' . Was the reason spacesailor
  2. The END of !. LITiGATION . Do like NZ , were they made it illegal to SUE . Simple ! , even thro I lost out . By their gross incompitance . They refused to put a lock on a door , containing ' boiling salt ' . Or to put said door at a differant place , to leave an escape for the worker . NO compensation at ALL . spacesailor
  3. BUT ! Why must a property owner " own " the aircraft flying on his land ? . I have been offered a NT property ( north of " Gemtree " ) to look after the house-property. AND fly too my hearts content . spacesailor
  4. Answer I have tried three " jumpstart " packs . As answered " hook it up & crank the motor, thats were the excess current heated the cables, & disconnected by melting the soldered terminals . The third one I do not " crank the engine " with it connected. Only top up the couple of volts in the ' starting batteries ' from the 8 amp ( 8000 mah ) jumpstart . spacesailor
  5. Lithium jump starter packs are good , If you buy Quality , Thats the problem , hook-up your jump-pack then watch the 'power cable detatch by the heat meltiing the 'soft soldered ' connections . The way to work them is to ' charge the leadacid battery , then start the motor . spacesailor .
  6. A ' lead-acid ' , Accumulator is 2.2 volt , A bank / Battery , of 6 accumulators will give you 13,2 volts . Simples. spacesailor
  7. When I started! , ALL CARS had the ' winder-key ' through the " bumper " , ( staring-handle ) to start the motor whenever the battery power was low . Most aircraft could be ' hand- started ' , SO ! What is needed now ?, perhaps a , " super-sized " jump-starter !. spacesailor
  8. AND THEN ! . There's that useless poison they will keep addind to our drinking water , ' fluoride ' . Most of Europe have banned it , " as it Does Not improve water quality and safety " . Proven to damage brain cells , or so the opposition tells us . It's a byproduct of aluminium production . spacesailor
  9. I watched a doco about those same ' world trade centre' having structural problems because of Rust in the steel columns due to welders removing the lagging , then not painting or anything to prevent corrosion . And no way to demolish the building. spacesailor
  10. Will that be with Batteries, spacesailor
  11. I know of someone, who imported a container load of American cars , then engineered them to ' left-hand drive ' to make a Big profit . It should be easier with those electric cars cars , no clutch, or emissions to worry about . spacesailor
  12. aro said . '' Or they could create a new CAO copied from CAO 95.10, change the weight etc. to reflect FAR 103 and delete the stuff about RAA. '' . Don't forget that ' wing loading rule ' . to let the Hummle Bird aircraft back into 95-10 category . Then a little more weight for more power & we'll be ' soaring like an eagle . LoL spacesailor
  13. Excellent , I & my soninlaw would love to do a similar trip. IF, only I could get him to get a passport . spacesailor
  14. We use ' Eastern Australia ' And that doest exist either . Perhaps the word should be ' warmer Australia ' . As it's cold here in the Eastern Australia. spacesailor
  15. RAA only uses ALL UP WEIGHT Including fatter pilots !. Not a lot of 63.5 klgms Australians left in the over 40 age group . spacesailor
  16. In 95 -10 you have to comply with their ' wing loading rule ' . I believe it is their only class with this rule . As most Australians are getting heavier , so 95-10 needs a workaround to accommodate heavier pilots . spacesailor
  17. Part 103 Maximum speed 55 mph ! . RAA Minimum speed 40 mph ! . Blooody hard with only 15 mph flying envelope . And will they be limited to 300 ft ! , as were the first AUF aircraft. A deadly hight ! , it was determined. Will CASA even allow a more dangerous aircraft to even fly . RAA WANTS bigger, heavier, and safer aircraft, ( General Aviation) , ' At the expense of the smaller exAUF aircraft they inherited. So leave the smaller more economical aircraft to other's . spacesailor
  18. Kasper wrote " it would look like this " .300 klgm Mtow , ! . Two of my grand daughters , partners would be heading for 300 klgm IN THEIR CLOTHS . They are much larger than my 100 klgm , Makes me look puny when beside them . LoL spacesailor
  19. Why such a low weight of airframs AND pilot . . 300 klgm. RAA are forever pushing for higher weights , why not start at the maximum or Average Australian weight per age bracket . It Is very hard to Reduce what years have piled on our waistline. Remember AUF were trapped for years with a dangerous low hight restriction ( could be 300 ft ( to low for a parachute)) . spacesailor
  20. SO !. Just how do the Americans manage their 103 class oof Aviators ?. I have met One microlight aviator at the Rylstone flyin . spacesailor
  21. The' Sydney Recreational Flying Club does, hire it's aircraft ! , but only to club members . So . Join the club and hire the aircraft at club rates. spacesailor
  22. The Oaks airfield only has a helicopter, !. Occasionally practising landings . Besides you as you take-off or land . Makes for a sudden crosswind. spacesailor
  23. Lots of companies are advertising. I also asked , ' can I get a licensed pilot to be my chauffeur. If I paid for a hire aircraft ' . The response was . Deafening ! . Good luck. spacesailor
  24. AND. People are still friendly. Back to your hangaridge just wait for the winner of the " Jet LIFE " lottery . He may lease the hangar that comes with the ' Sirrus SR22 ' plane , that he may not need . Twelve months lease , spacesailor
  25. Rylstone. !. Over the hill would be too far as well . Nice place to put your feet up in a live-in Hangar-Home. I Was looking at Bodangora airstrip at Wellington , 5 hours drive , but with relo's , there it could work . spacesailor
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