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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. Not all ' ship ' voyages were " happy ended " . Check SS YONGALA 1911 ( see Wikipedia ) . The story I heard was , The southerly storm chased her up to " cape Bowling Green " , (were they were to take shelter ), they readied the anchor , but it slipped overboard, gripped the floor & pulled the ship under . All were lost and only a dead ' horse ' was recovered . Now a great dive site . spacesailer
  2. New pilots ( trainees/students ) would miss plenty , from fast talking Oldies . 😄 ( Just tried c, : , for that smiley ) spacesailor
  3. Is " wings without barriers " similar to " Sailability " ( sailing for disabled ) . spacesailor
  4. Spray all those masks with . Glen 20 . If it gets on the mask , it could infect when removing! Possibility. I always do this when I see my doctor , not been affected yet . spacesailor
  5. Thank you to, all. The Slow & slightly Longer calls . A: brain into gear. B: call button pressed. 😄 mouth into gear. Never reversed . spacesailor
  6. There's an American " fire hydrant " in the video . spacesailor
  7. In wheel EV motor ? . Keep the IC motor to drive the generator. spacesailor A bit nippy on that track, for one motor . To drive that " lifted wheel " !.
  8. Sounds awfully like, " baulked " . ' Wikipedia ' !. By Google . spacesailor
  9. Aren't those airfilters supposed to be oiled . Likewise the foam filters . spacesailor
  10. No icing as no " moisture in the air " . According to my exam paper ! . spacesailor
  11. Western Australia Has a different maximum vehicle width than the other states . It earns money from ' interstate driver ' . spacesailor
  12. You will need a bigger van man , ( said the add ) spacesailor
  13. As long as they get their 5 seconds of fame . spacesailor
  14. The " aircraft stabiliser " span measurement. I asked for , when that Jabiru was being auctioned off . There was no answer , so no trailer could be rented, to remove from auction site . spacesailor
  15. skip You drive as I do. The answer to those " Grey nomads " not giving way , Is probably quickly learned by , that line of greedy cars Not allowing the old fart back into the line traffic . It happened to me once were I was forced into a shuddering stop as , all those overtaking refused to " make a hole , for the slow boat trailering vehicle to enter the traffic line . The next duel carriage way I refused to use that left lane , with it's risk of being pushed into the barrier. spacesailor
  16. Australia, is one of a very few countries with ' no upper speed limit ' . Admittedly one particular road . How to automate that " maximum speed limiter " on that road . spacesailor
  17. Those ' multiple ' speed limits are not for " safety ". merely a source of " unlimited revenue " . even in 'Parramatta park ' has posted speed limits . That Only ' motorists have to obey, the cyclists can And , do go much faster than a 30 kph limit . ( they never get fined. Even when racing flat out down hill ). Revene raising spacesailor
  18. Or that same kid . Had climed onto the roof of a truck & fell through your cars ' sunroof ' , onto your lap . Don't laugh . I'll post the answer next time . spacesailor
  19. " School Zones " . A School in Darcy road pendle hill. Nsw . Has been demolished. But you will still cop that " school-zone fine " , As it's only " revenue raising " . The offal School enrolment is 712 . Without a building ! . spacesailor
  20. No, ! . never happened in my many years of driving. Never heard of any steering-wheels penetrating anyone's chest in real life . Like lots of things that get blown out of proportion. Out of " all " those car races ( thatcrashed )has one been reported like you say ," steering wheel through chest . spacesailor
  21. In those " good old days " we had proper bumpers that Actually worked. Even a 30 " mph " , urban crash your car ' normally ' drove to the garage to be mended . Unlike theses modern ' shit boxes ' , that rust away even when Not used . spacesailor
  22. Or " DIY " , Works out much cheaper than profiteering businesses. I was always told " work hard & make money " which is B.S. as your boss gets the cream & you get screwed . In hard times the phrase " tighten your belt " usually means your starving. Then your boss let's you go , so he doesn't have to pay you . spacesailor
  23. " without the car, I had to piggyback " . You wouldn't get into a car driven by a Sleeping pregnant woman . Would you ! . spacesailor PS : I was the only one licensed, & it was my car .
  24. I have done that " pub crawl " by car . One pint per pub , always got sleepy before dangerous. Without the car , had to piggyback sleeping members of the pubcrawl . No easy task with two heavily pregnant woman in the group . Those 'were' the days my friends. spacesailor
  25. Can you get " electric disc brakes " . I made a boat trailer with " hydraulic " brakes . But my local safety check station refused to pass it . Without any reason given . I sold it & the new owner had no problem with registrating it. My grandson made his own ' motorcycle ' trailer at his apprenticeship class . spacesailor
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