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About Timold

  • Birthday 13/12/1961


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  1. Is it a Tandem Hornet Maj?
  2. Yes Robinsm I would fit a UHF radio for sure. You can get fantastic coverage from a few thousand feet and some local tips. Tim
  3. Hi all I have been reading with interest this disscussion on slipping, I think that slipping or forward slipping is quite seat of the pants you are continually ajusting rudder, aileron And elevator all the way down. Tim
  4. Hi all, I use the forward slip for crosswind landings every time in a C182 with full flap. Mostly all of my landings are on shortish bush strips and ii find this techniqe to be very effective in high cross winds. Tim
  5. Hi Pete, I'm a GA pilot flying a C182 about 200 hrs a year, I'm going to RAA because of the maintenance cost. I am soon to be the proud owner of an AAk Hornet and expect the cost of ownership to be about 1/4 of the C182. Good luck with your quest. Tim
  6. I like the sound of your idea Ian. Ialso love reading and sometimes contributing to the forums. I for one would be happy to put up with a little advertising to fund your dream. Tim
  7. Fantastic Sotty, I think you have done a good job restraining yourself. I would have dragged Ole out of it by now and flown away.The Hornet looks fantastic.
  8. Looking good Scotty,When do you get it in the air.They make an impressive airplane thats for sure. Tim
  9. Hey Scotty your plane looks fantastic.Love your decals, you can't be too far away from getting airborne. Tim
  10. And thanks for all the welcome Guys Tim
  11. Taree sorry
  12. Scotty you didn't bore me at all, I could have spent a week tooling around the Hornet workshop and the Tarre airport. I look forward to pics and stories of yours and you flying it. I cant believe I have to wait until Feb 2012 for mine. Tim
  13. Thanks for the welcome guys and I too am waiting to hear about Scottys Hornet flying.
  14. Hi all ive just joined Rec Flying.Ive come from a GA background but have just orded a Hornet from AAk.Thanks to Bruce AKA Scotty for your time and knowlege.
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