Charlie 1, I am rebuilding a T300 myself, the Thruster is an amazing aircraft, you will love it. I built a Fisher Mk1 and fly that every chance I get, the T300 will be done by the end of the year ( I hope ). I am getting Emah to do new skins for mine, they are way past a usable state, the aircraft I have is just neglected and needs the TLC and she will be right. Getting parts and advice is a little difficult but do-able. The 5 Thrusters I have flown ( T300, T500 Ann a single seater ) non had brakes as is the same on the one I have now, you don't really need them unless you are constantly on asphalt or similar, even then you can get away without them, just manage your speed and taxi slowly. As for flying over wooded areas, just do it at a height you can make a safe landing from ( something we should always be doing). I fly from Aldinga in SA, where the field has a high proportion of vineyards around the perimeter, I fly slightly higher close circuits with the last decent a side slip, so if at anytime the noise stops I can make a landing on the field easily. I have found the Thruster does sink a little faster than the Drifter when at idle but not at an alarming rate, something you need to factor when flying.