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Patrick Normoyle

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Everything posted by Patrick Normoyle

  1. my last passenger, a retired Meteor pilot and engineer from the 2nd world war, great flight and nice to share it with my passenger.
  2. That's what I understand, I have a manual from Kay and it is fantastic, a little dated but definitely a workable reference document. I am discussing with RAA regarding maintaining the 25 reg and doing my level 2 maintainers cert, I've gotten in contact with Bob and a few others and am trying to build a base of information, I was hoping it was going to be a quick process but alas it will take a while, I am from Dutch / Irish heritage so I am stupidly determined / stubborn and I'll get it there. My hope is that there is an online resource available for FREE to all who want it, plus contacts of those who have the knowledge and experience combined with the willingness to pass on the information so when a question pops up there is a heartbeat there to answer the question. I was lucky ( so to speak ) that before Wayne Fisher joined the eternal pilots club, I learnt a great deal from him whilst building my own aircraft and helping two others rebuild their pride and joys. We have a vast hole in the Thruster knowledge pool not because it's not there, we just can't find it. I hope to change this during the year.
  3. As far as landing, I have a preference for wheelers when there is plenty of runway, if it's a short strip I'll do a 3 point landing, practise both plenty so they come naturally, they are an easy aircraft to fly and forgiving.
  4. Oscar, could I have his name and number also, I might need a few bits also.
  5. Charlie 1, I am rebuilding a T300 myself, the Thruster is an amazing aircraft, you will love it. I built a Fisher Mk1 and fly that every chance I get, the T300 will be done by the end of the year ( I hope ). I am getting Emah to do new skins for mine, they are way past a usable state, the aircraft I have is just neglected and needs the TLC and she will be right. Getting parts and advice is a little difficult but do-able. The 5 Thrusters I have flown ( T300, T500 Ann a single seater ) non had brakes as is the same on the one I have now, you don't really need them unless you are constantly on asphalt or similar, even then you can get away without them, just manage your speed and taxi slowly. As for flying over wooded areas, just do it at a height you can make a safe landing from ( something we should always be doing). I fly from Aldinga in SA, where the field has a high proportion of vineyards around the perimeter, I fly slightly higher close circuits with the last decent a side slip, so if at anytime the noise stops I can make a landing on the field easily. I have found the Thruster does sink a little faster than the Drifter when at idle but not at an alarming rate, something you need to factor when flying.
  6. i always have a small gap from the tip to the other side wall of the manifold, the metal will change temp a lot slower than the exhaust gas itself so you want an accurate as possible reading from the air was as it passes the tip. Just my 2cents worth.
  7. Sorry to hound you, have you sent the pm ? I'd like to get things moving along where I can. Pat
  8. just so you know we can't issue radar vectors to aircraft below the MSA for the Approach being flown at night or in VMC. What was done was to ensure separation and to get the situation safe, no TCAS alerts would have been issued as the only thing any of the three could do is climb anyway. Not the best situation but LAHSO comes with some risks. The Emirates heavy was slow to roll and that is what caused the situation to become unworkable. LAHSO has been suspended at night until a further investigation has been completed, we are all working to ensure the safest practises are used and that we remove ( where possible ) any safety related risk. We use LAHSO frequently at Adelaide and in the most part it is a great tool to increase the number of movements however there will always be risks associated. This is no different to SODPROPS at Sydney and the DROPS at Brisbane just to name too. Extensive safety cases are undertaken and usually include representatives from the airlines etc to ensure we are doing our best to keep it safe while we keep it moving. In my opinion, parallel runways are always the best scenario compared with crossing runways and the like, but the cost to build an airport is very significant.
  9. Admin, looks great, is there any more ? Give him an inch and he'll ask for a mile. Are there any files, mods or other ? Can I edit any of the pages ?
  10. Admin, I hope life has calmed down a bit since last we spoke. I'd like to try and get the ball rolling if possible, let me know what we need to do.. Patrick
  11. I've signed up and I'll be there.
  12. Just a heads up to those Thruster lovers owners and just anyone interested in this amazing little aircraft, with the assistance from the wonderful Admin peops, I am hoping to get the Thruster page up and running soon, if you have anything to offer in the way of photos, videos, information, AD's, mods, manuals, tips or tricks, maintenance or construction information please pass it on and I will do my best to get it on the site. I have just purchased a lovely T300 that needs a good looking over and some new skins, I hope to post a few photos soon. Here she is being unloaded.
  13. Bob, are you still involved with this ?
  14. Ian, I have just taken ownership of a T300 and might be interested in getting the site back up, could you let me know what is involved as well as costs please.
  15. looking for anyone who has put a linear actuator to drive the landing gear system. ?
  16. Where are the pictures.
  17. does anyone have details of where this airfield is in South Australia, any contact details etc.
  18. I have a Chinook WT11 plus 2, rot ax 503 for sale $8500 in Adelaide
  19. Yen, I beg to differ, it matters greatly what you set your QNH scale to, that's the whole point of have the scale, so everyone in the same area using the same reference point, otherwise someone using one setting compared to a different aircraft using a different setting thinking they are at a certain height when they could be at the same height. Your transponder tell us in ATC what your altimeter is reading.
  20. AD APP equipment takes the area QNH below A100 or YPAD QNH or above A100 it uses 1013.2, when you set QNH to the same as everyone else in the similar area, you are all using the same height datum or reference point, and if you are on different settings the information is useless. Between VFR and IFR. In CTR we can use 500ft verticals separation, if your transponder is out by 200 and the other guy is out by 200ft, there is a minimum of 100ft. The 200ft is the maximum tolerance for a mode C transponder, if you have a faulty transponder and also set it incorrectly this can potentially make a greater error. If I get an error greater than 200ft I'm required to instruct the pilot to use mode A only, we prefer the transponder on but outside the 200ft tolerance is bad for many reasons TCAS is just one of them, I will suggest that you get it checked before entering controlled airspace again. We can cancel or refuse a clearance to enter or use CTA if your transponder is out of tolerance. I stand to be corrected, but I think if you have and use a transponder IFR or VFR it is a requirement to have it checked for operation and calibration every two years for private operations and less for commercial operations.
  21. Do you have any EGT or CHT. Probes for a 582 for sale ?
  22. I'm interested also ? How much ?
  23. Have a look in AIP, and I'm certain it is in MATS Manual of Air Traffic Services, can't nominate a runway with greater the 20kts crosswind or more than 5 knots downwind on a dry runway, unless there no other runway available, I doubt an RPT pilot ( especially for Qantas) would make a call like that and request runway 34 with such high crosswind component if runway 27 was available, it does happen but usually with much less reputable airlines. The cost associated with a go-around from a fuel and time perspective would be in the order of thousands, if the arrival sequence was fairly tight, it could mean a 10 - 15 min re-sequence, often below 10 thousand feet where the jet is not very efficient. I doubt it.
  24. ATC won't nominate a runway with more than 20kts x wind including gusts ?
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