Nev, IFR RPT aircraft don't need too and almost never carry VFR type maps, they will have ERC's but no visual type maps, use a bearing and a distance from the common fix ( airport or MAJOR town ) airport is best or if you see them, use a clock reference, "I'm you 2 o'clock low at 2nm, purple and yellow high wing ultralight ", who gives a rats rear end who is in he right or wrong here folks, the wake turbulance alone from a Q400 will flip you, separate your tail from the rest of the aircraft. So see and avoid your aircraft to safety, they are flying a bus load of passengers you are out having fun, unless you need the priority and have declared so, why not give them a bit of space, we are at max just two people per aircraft.
There is a training benefit here too, take out the fear and surprise a student might get in the circuit with a B737 or DH8D and brief them on holding, orbiting on downwind or any other safe manoeuvre available to them.
The worst case scenario here after being killed in a mid air or getting turned inside out from wake turbulance will be when places like Port Mcquarie and Harvey Bay get a control tower and class D airspace all because some of US out there can't realise we are not the centre of the universe. What does another 4 minutes to you matter, a student can learn some more, a joy flight just goes a bit longer and the passenger gets a real cool experience seeing the other traffic, you help to bolster our image a professional pilots and if your on your own, just enjoy your passion a wee bit longer.
I even give priority to the fly school aircraft here at Aldinga, I'm out there having fun and they are tring to teach and keep their business going.
As far as the go around, AIP states arriving aircraft have priority for use of the runway over departing aircraft, it also states operations to and from the duty or into wind runway have priority over non-duty or x/wind downwind operations.
If we can, we should try and give the RPT types a measure of respect and do OUR best to minimise their delays due to our operations where safe to do so.
All the opinions expressed above are those solely my own.