Maj, sorry to tell you but the Dornier doesn't have that technology as standard equipment, they can have a portable unit added but it is very unusual and the last time they used one was in Port Morsby, they didn't use it for the Dragon in QLD, they found it by following usual search protocol, mobile phones had nothing to do with it, and rarely ever does. I spoke to the Dornier crew today so that was from the "horses mouth", they have asked for similar technology but it is not readily available at the moment.
But what you said towards the end is so spot on, ELT, PLB'S, Transponder, mobile device, mirror, flashlight, battery chargers, spare batteries, everything you can do to aid in your recovery will hopefully shorten the time taken to find you. I think everyone shoud read the EMERG section in ERSA frequently, if its not in there ( mobile phones, SPOT) don't think someone is looking for it ( from a SAR organisation that is ).