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Patrick Normoyle

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Everything posted by Patrick Normoyle

  1. Thanks 503, I'll call in the morning
  2. does anyone know where to get new rubber mounts for the Rotax 582 in the inverted position on a Drifter or Fisher Mk1? The existing ones are red nolathane type bushes.
  3. C of G is normally half way behind the pilot seat and the rear seat, I'm in the range of 110 a 125 kg and never had a problem flying my Fisher Mk 1 for over 500 hours, I have flown strut braced and Maxairs with no problems. Awesome aircraft.
  4. I. Not sure where you are getting the weight numbers from but my Fisher Mk 1 on floats is just 225kg, and without floats its 185kg, a mate one hangar over has a strut braced 582 and from memory it is in the 250kg range.
  5. November Foxtrot, I'd use the guide above as the backbone of your calls, when you are in Class G call for a clearance with sufficient time for the controller to make the decision and relay it to you, so 5 - 10 minutes prior to the airspace boundary would be good, have a plan if he/she says "NovemberFoxtrot clearance NOT available remain outside Class Charlie airspace", if you 1min from a VCA and have limited options you have left it too late to call, also if you tune the frequency early to guage the level of traffic on the frequency that will help, you might think it is busy and want to call a little early, make sure you have your transponder on and the correct code 1200 or 3000.
  6. When you get the chance mate"Pay it Forward", your generous mate sounds like the kind of guy that would appreciate that.
  7. Seb, I know Tim was considering selling his, he is Flyerme on the forum, if I had the money I would buy it, good luck with the search.
  8. Looks like a drifter, let's hope the PIC fully recovers from his injuries.
  9. Why not buy both, imagine the fun.
  10. Ultralights, where did you get them from and what did you use ?
  11. Does anyone out there have any contact details for the few strips on Hindmarsh Island. ? Specifically the one that goes into the Coorong and the other that has several crossing strips ?
  12. On my 582 Drifter / Fisher Mk1, I run a Brolga 4 blade prop fixed pitch and that's what I run at the moment, I have just ordered an inflight electrically adjustable IVO prop, I am expecting slightly better performance and some fuel savings. The 503 runs a 2 blade sweet apple wood prop, ok performance, I have a mate that runs a 503 on his drifter on floats and he struggles to get off the water when there is two people.
  13. I've got both, a 582 with 550+ hours and still no rebuild! I'll get 6800rpm but don't go over 6600 where possible, great engine, my Drifter is on floats and goes well on the 582, the 503 needs dual carbs and dual ignition to get best performance, but best results from a 582 or 912 if you can afford it.
  14. Corvairkr has got it in one, works really well, I have a dual carby balancer to fine tune the setup but that is pretty spot on.
  15. That's the spot I go to, really good info.
  16. Oscar, I would still dip the tanks before starting the big fan.
  17. You are a funny bugger, got a good laugh from me ! Thanks.
  18. Very well said, safe flying to us all.
  19. Well said Oscar, however in this day and age, the idea of "never let the facts get in the way of a good story" and the over sensationalist view point of the media and it's all just speculation and opinion.
  20. I've got a Rotax 582 in my Fisher Mk1, a great engine but only as reliable as the maintenance I provide, however, I am as sure as all hell it will stop running the moment I run out of fuel. No mater what you fly, drive or use, if you run out of fuel, it will STOP. Now I'm not a lover of Jab engines, I've made that clear, thankfully the airframe is awesome at protecting the occupants. However the engine won't RUN without fuel. I'm not saying that this was a result of fuel starvation, but if it is, it dosen't matter what donk was up front, even jet engines stop when out of fuel. I sa a good Jab bashing is not appropriate if it is an engine stoppage due Fuel Starvation. On another note, is there a connection to the relationship ( financial or other ), between RAA and Jabiru and the reluctance to investigate / report on the high incidence of engine failures, this may border on criminal if there is sufficient evidence to support such a supposition. I'm not making a statement of blame or negligence, however there is enough anecdotal evidence for at least questions to be asked. I might need a lawyer after this.
  21. I'd try a new pulse pump or borrow one from a mate, test it in your machine, if no problems then your good, did you mean it will run smooth for 3 - 5 MINUTES not hours, and then die, try installing a second pump in parallel to the pulse pump, you can get them from an auto parts store, 12 volt and 3-5 psi, use it on take off and landing for extra insurance.
  22. Jakej, I agree, but I think it is difficult to work out a fair system, maybe charge the hangar owners a sq foot rate that they can then pass on to their tenants if they have any, but some will have one aircraft in their hangar, others will have 5, and some cars or boats or what ever. Very hard mix to resolve.
  23. I moved to Adelaide some 3 1/2 years ago, in deciding where to live, one of the considerations was what was available for my "Boys Toys", I was lucky that there was Aldinga and Goolwa not too far from our desired suburbs, a few calls on the phone and the sums done, and I MADE A CHOICE, I chose Aldinga primarily as it is really close to home and an awesome airfield, I immediately liked the folks who run the joint and they had all the bells and whistles ( come try their cafe, awesome food and hospitality ). Now the cost is extremely high compared to the occasional carton of light beer I had today for my last hangar. However, I have 24 hour access, paved taxiways, 4 runways, toilets ( paper and soap are free ) power, fuel, phone, cafe, fully maintained and safe environment. The managers put in hours of blood sweat and tears, they do an awesome job, we even have lights on the main black top for use up until 10pm. Now Goolwa is a bit further away and cheaper and has great facilities too, but I made the decision to use the much more convenient Aldinga. I always check what is charged before I plan to use "Someone else's " airfield, weather it's private, council or personal. If there is a charge associated with its use, I have the cash ready and pay in the agreed manner. We have a choice ( in most circumstances ) to go where we want. I'd estimate the Aldinga airfield would cost 2Mil to construct in now day terms ( hangars excluded ), who would invest that kind of dosh and expect no return, and then there is the annual maintenance, council representations, legal cost and the list goes on and on.
  24. Glider dog, legendary entry to the Forum, you made Tim's day, nice shots to, you got skills dude. We had a wonderfully successful afternoon, first flight for him and it went so well. Nice to have like minded aviation folk hanging about Aldinga.
  25. I just fixed the videos, bloody privacy settings.
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