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Patrick Normoyle

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Everything posted by Patrick Normoyle

  1. Tim, sorry to hear about your woes, not good, I hope you get it sorted. Chin up mate, you'll be back chasing birds on final real soon.
  2. Frank you are so right, short and concise, and appropriate, there is no point saying you are blah blah from Big Teds Farm, when the farm isn't on any map used by any other aviator, a good habit would be to listen to other pilot reports on the area freq and try and follow the general layout, notice the long "War and Peace" transmissions and find a happy medium, take your time ( but don't go watching the grass grow), ATC 's usually expect about 80% of the calls we receive, we use time and radar to keep a "Picture" in our heads, so when we get an unsolicited call, we might need a second or two to prepare for this unexpected information. This issue is observed throughout the country, use your best guess and make sure you have checked all the boxes.
  3. I'd go with126.7 when not on area freq, this is usually the best method, but may not work in every area.
  4. Holy shit, I thought the world ended just west of Radelaide, good luck finding a spot that the majority will go for !
  5. Hey Ozzie, it's Friday man, chill out, take time to enjoy life, just do what's needed and go fly your aircraft, if you want the freedoms they have in the US, either go live there or try and change the way things are here, don't just be another complaining twit that is never going to be happy, the time are changing and there is little we can do to stop it, be compliant with the rules and go for a fly, you will feel much better when you do, I know I do. I deal with CASA and ASA almost everyday, no much fun to be had, but jump in my Drifter and an hour in the air and the world is good.
  6. Nah Moz, looks like it was the dead engine side, don't know if the PA31 has a critical engine, don't know that one ?
  7. No piss take Nick, when a twin looses an engine it's hard enough, but with a lot of crosswind it's gets much harder, you quickly run out of rudder authority.
  8. Not sure on that one, I thought it was a bit strange.
  9. The conditions were challenging also, crosswind of 10-15knots and hot, so well done, I'd fly with this pilot anytime.
  10. Jab7252, unfortunately this is the world you and I fly in, there are just a few that want their piece of paradise to be at the expense of everyone else. Let's hope cooler and more reasonable heads in council can prevail. Happy flying !
  11. To those ridiculous statements above ( carb heat, fuel pumps blah bloody blah) I do hope you fly in aircraft as a passenger and not a pilot. I spoke to someone on the ground who was on the field and saw/heard the aircraft lose partial power to one engine after becoming airborne, retracted the gear and was able to minimise the yaw effect and land on a flat paddock with the wings level and nose slightly high. Both passengers were fine, the aircraft VH-OFF not so lucky. From the photo you can see the ground is brown, the sky is blue and the aircraft is white, anything else is just made up crap. To Greybeard above, thank you for trying to reign in the rubber neckers and nay sayers, this pilot was less than a 100 feet or so when the aircraft started a yaw and ran rough, I'd say he is a marvelous pilot with god like tendencies, he didn't let the dead engine force a wing drop and resulting cart-wheel or worse ( if there is worse) get it inverted at ZOT feet and go in that way. As an asside Dazza, one of the news choppers came for a visit and they had a truck there also, so I'm sure you'll hear it was a twin engined ultralight Cessna, with 12 seats, blah blah, just like above, never let the truth or even good reason get in they way of a story or the chance to beat one's chest. End of Rant.
  12. I have an inverted 582 in a Fisher Mk 1, 186 kg, pilot min weight of 68kg and max of 122kg, weight and balance all done by Wayne Fisher, well within the limits and they are clearly marked on the airframe. I have climbed to 7500feet with no problems and have never had a problem 3 pointing or wheeling on, my aircraft slips and turns with great authority and flies hands off at 5200rpm without loosing altitude. This aircraft is a 19 reg and has 400plus flight hours.
  13. Thanks Zyg, yeah I installed the cable operated brakes and was never happy, hydraulic brakes are great, I don't need them and always happy to help out another Drifter Pilot. I've added an orbit of your house to my usual coastal run just to let you know I'm out there, I hope you neighbours don't mind too much. I hope the New Year has begun well for you and I look forward to another jolly about the place when you are up for it. Hey, fancy a run over to KI in the coming weeks ?
  14. Keep hold of your tight nuts but throw out any loose nuts, is that the gist ?
  15. How much did you want to pay, $5 sound about right ?
  16. XP503, I've got the brakes, almost new, the bolts are in great condition, is that all you need from them, are you interested in the whole unit or just the bolt ?
  17. Xp503 you were up early this morning ! I'll pop into the hangar in an hour or so and see what I've got, photo to follow.
  18. Woops, autocorrect got me, that was XP503 do you have a photo ?
  19. Xperia, do you have a photo of what you need, brake wise ?
  20. I might have the brake part, I'll check and get back to you, I'm a little under the bourbon bottle at this moment, but give me a day or so. You have cable actuated internal brakes ?
  21. There is no wake turbulance separation required after 2 minutes from the full length or same intersection departure, but this pilot should be instructed to return to the hard stand and take a taxi.
  22. True love is " Flying in a Drifter", the only thing better is to make love while flying a Drifter !
  23. If it is an old 503, with the old style ignition, I am not sure they fit an e type box without a mounting flange, I might be wrong. Good luck, let us all know how you get on, with photos !
  24. What is John flying now ?
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