To those ridiculous statements above ( carb heat, fuel pumps blah bloody blah) I do hope you fly in aircraft as a passenger and not a pilot. I spoke to someone on the ground who was on the field and saw/heard the aircraft lose partial power to one engine after becoming airborne, retracted the gear and was able to minimise the yaw effect and land on a flat paddock with the wings level and nose slightly high. Both passengers were fine, the aircraft VH-OFF not so lucky. From the photo you can see the ground is brown, the sky is blue and the aircraft is white, anything else is just made up crap. To Greybeard above, thank you for trying to reign in the rubber neckers and nay sayers, this pilot was less than a 100 feet or so when the aircraft started a yaw and ran rough, I'd say he is a marvelous pilot with god like tendencies, he didn't let the dead engine force a wing drop and resulting cart-wheel or worse ( if there is worse) get it inverted at ZOT feet and go in that way.
As an asside Dazza, one of the news choppers came for a visit and they had a truck there also, so I'm sure you'll hear it was a twin engined ultralight Cessna, with 12 seats, blah blah, just like above, never let the truth or even good reason get in they way of a story or the chance to beat one's chest.
End of Rant.