Ok, so I have read just a few posts, and obviously some people have no idea what they and the media are on about. This morning the wether at Adelaide was light winds from the north and PROB 30 of fog was forecast when all these aircraft left BRISBANE PERTH SYDNEY MELBOURNE HONG KONG AND SINGAPORE, all these aircraft diverted to other airports that they had planned as their alternates as a normal practise, NORMAL SAFE PRACTISE, there was no unsafe airline activities at all, actually the opposite, they all carried their alternate fuel ( even from Hong Kong ), the FOG developed slowly from the northwest and the excellent air traffic controllers ( That's me ) advised everyone upline as to the developing conditions, during the 5 hours of poor weather only two aircraft made published missed approaches, a REX SAAB and a Virgin B737, everyone else either diverted to their PLANNED alternate or made a successful landing at Adelaide.
Where is the congratulations for the out stations like Mildura who wouldn't have expected this additional traffic, or Port Lincoln which reached capacity by 7:30 am and advised operators not to send anymore aircraft, or the pilots themselves for making the right decision to divert when the conditions were close to the minima instead of trying an approach when they knew they wouldn't get in. How about the approach controllers and Melbourne enroute controllers holding multiple aircraft at DRINA and other places trying to keep it all orderly. Then there is the ground crews for the airport at Adelaide that basically got closed to single aircraft operations at one time, severely restricting movements all in the name of SAFETY. Then there is the airline ground staff who had to move lots of aircraft after the situation had eased. And then there is me again, with my other colleagues moving all the traffic as quick as we could once the weather had cleared, again all as SAFE as possible.
If you want to have a gripe at someone, have a go at the ridiculous media reports and then the further postulation and Bollock Dust that goes on with it..
Congrats to those above who have also seen through the hype and constant reporting of catastrophic "NEAR DEATH" events which are actually all part of normal SAFE practises. Maybe they ( the media and other scare mongers ) should have a look at what goes on in some other parts of the world where safety is just a nice thing to have and rules are sometimes followed.
And here ends the RANT.
If I have inadvertently offended anyone, that was unintentional, I actually meant to offend most who eagerly joined the media hype and disaster bandwagon.