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Patrick Normoyle

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Everything posted by Patrick Normoyle

  1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0lgt34ms9q1lc27/Drifter%20weight%20and%20balance.pdf Try this and let me know how it goes.
  2. I have the PDF ready, how do I drop box it Hongie ?
  3. Very sound advice from Tex, he is truly a Drifter-file, I recently did a trip here in Aus from Adelaide to Avalon for the air show. I have a 582, I have just a 65 litre tank but supplement that with 40 litres on the backseat, a 12 volt low pressure pump that transfers the fuel through its own filter to the main tank where the engine draws fuel from. I have two system to confirm fuel level prior to transfer, a fuel guage with a mark at 20 litres so there is plenty of room for the 40 L to go and a mirror and a sight line on the side of the main tank. Confirm there is enough room and then transfer, takes about 18 minutes and I'm goog, gives me 105 L of total fuel on board. If the fuel transfer fails either before or during, I'll have a minimum of 45 minutes to find an alternate landing area to resolve the issue. I found 4 - 5 hours at one time is heaps of flying, maybe do 3 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon, remember to hydrate and keep your food intake light but often. If you have too a bit of Avgas is ok, I have done it once or twice just costs a lot more.
  4. Where was this event advertised ? Are there any more in the near future ?
  5. Tim, I'm off on Thursday, net me know if you are going to Murray Bridge, I might come over also and say hi, I've not been into there yet. Text me on 0408931040
  6. What's the Breakie think at Murray Bridge ?
  7. Hey there Tim, how's the weather out there in the flat lands ?
  8. Oz eat, thanks, I think there were several importers, I got this one from the SA importer from the 80s, the late Ron Wiedenbach, he imported and built them, but I'm looking for information anyone might have. Mine is the 72nd one made.
  9. Nun and, I think what you are saying is correct for factory built aircraft, but for a mature built I think you can put what ever you want on, however I don't know if RAAus can issue an inflight variable pitch prop endorsement, you need to get that through you GA training. ( I'm not certain here and am happy to be corrected ).
  10. I've just picked up my aircraft, A Birdman Chinook 2s, I'm hoping to get an assembly / parts manual copy so I can maintain the aircraft and parts to the manufactures specs. If anyone has any information I would be most appreciative.
  11. No I think you are correct in expecting a certain measure of pilot skill from a visitor to your field, it would be even worse if the aircraft had an instructor on board ( was it a singe or two seat Flapdoodle), I queried someone last week when he was in the circuit for RWY 35 at Aldinga, we don't have one I said, his response was oh, I mean left circuit for RWY 37 ?, he was in fact on a right circuit for RWY 14 ( I observed from a safe distance ).
  12. Here here Maj, Myles exemplifies the spirit of what and who we are as an organisation, it is a shame that he has had to leave the organisation from such a position, Myles has an extraordinary wealth of knowledge and skill that our organisation seriously needs, I hope he finds a way to significantly contribute to safe light flying that I know he loves dearly. To those who want to knock the man for being in the heat of it and not putting their hat in the ring to help our struggling organisation, give him and any others a break, he might not want to divulge every last private detail as to why he can no longer give his time and energy to the organisation, maybe it is time for some others to lend a hand and keep us as an organisation going. Good luck Myles for the future, I have an endless amount of respect for you as a pilot and a mate.
  13. Teckair, I'm in Aldinga, south of Adelaide, any help would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Thanks Teckair, I have my own Fisher Mk 1 so the transition should be easy, yeah the 2s is a two seat from the original builder the Birdman company with a 503 engine, very good condition and low hours.
  15. They can only add gas to the strut, and can usually only a few times, they drill a hole and seal it with solder I think.
  16. The Teckair, do you still have your Chinook ? I am picking up a 2s on Thursday, any comment regarding the flying or maintenance ? Anyone you know who has floats for them ?
  17. In ten years as an ATC I have never seen any of these codes !
  18. Yep after googling it, it's the Swiss ultralight with a 912, so go back to the ULAC as your aircraft type.
  19. Thanks Maj, I really miss hanging with you and the north QLD mob of rouge aviators. If you are going to flight plan, most ATC's won't know what an AC4 is, I recommend using ULAC, look under the special codes from the above document, this will make more sense to us.
  20. Here it is in the documents http://www.icao.int/publications/DOC8643/ Search for light wing
  21. AC4, light wing with a 912.
  22. Strut Re-gas SA Rob Lowe 131, Augusta St., Glenelg East SA 5045 Ph/Fax: 08 8295 5596 Email Rob, from Strut re-gas SA
  23. You can get them custom made here in SA about $30 each. If you have the old ones, he can make them the same length with the same fittings, measure the force rating and make the new ones slightly stronger. He did a set for me for my drifter canopy and they are really good.
  24. Rolling on the floor laughing my arse off, thank I needed this.
  25. Maybe think Grant Kenny ! That might help ?
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