Well it,s been nearly a year since i last posted ,March last year,and sadly my pressure problem returned as bad as ever and not long after fitting the new oil housing about 5 hours of flying,For those of you not familiar with my problem my oil pressure fluctuated horribly between 30 and 80 psi so bad the needle on the manual gauge was a red blur, and the MGL gauge was unreadable, GOOD news is i posted this problem on the Rotax forum along with a fellow RV12 owner in the US with similar problems and a gentleman(a retired engineer ) in the US came up with the answer, he studied the problem for some time and lots of phone calls and emails later he had the solution,the problem arises when the mushroom valve is pushed back from its seated position and then in my case(and others) the head of the valve starts to bobble around(like one of those toy dogs with the wobble head) this is evident by the marks on the valve stem, The 912 IS has a different oil valve ,its a piston style so can only travel up and down and does not bobble about (it is also larger than the 912ul valve),so he manufactured a valve using the piston idea to suit the 912ul motor,myself and a gentleman in the US have been testing this valve as well as talking to the Rotax engineering department for the past 9 months and are VERY pleased to say ,i myself have over 70 hours of flight time with rock solid oil pressure and Alex in the US has 40 plus hours,so anyone with oil pressure problems ,we have the answer. If anyone is interested i can put you in contact with Bill in the US who came up with the solution
ps this is still in testing phase but some more testers would be good,Rotax have shown great interest in the valve and are eagerly waiting for our results
You can follow my,and Alex path on the Rotax owner forum ,search Sever jittering oil pressure and on page 5 is a link to the answer.