Hi Keith
If I knew it all then I wouldn't have to trouble you with the question. What I've heard is (in my opinion) exceedingly worrying and I thought you'd be keen to shed some light on the subject. By your response you are doing nothing to dispel the rumours and in fact are actually fuelling them. I thought, wouldn't it be in the best interests of who you appear to support for someone like yourself to clear the air and "tell the world"? If this is your idea of fixing a problem by not addressing the facts then I have difficulty following your rationale.
As far as Aerosafe is concerned, have you personally had any dealings with them and are you certain that there are possible conflicts of interests or is it just more gossip and unsubstantiated claims?
For someone who has made some strong statements recently can you actually back them up with facts? I'd be real keen to find out.