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Everything posted by drifterdriver

  1. You might be right Don. The dual landing was reasonable but the solo one smooth as silk. Maybe not having his old man nagging about his messy room made a difference?
  2. Thanks for the post. Well maybe we are both getting old. :-) The lad did the editing and music. I would've gone for something like Neil Diamond and Solitary Man if it was my choice. Nick
  3. It's been a long time coming but it was worth the wait. For those interested, I'd like to share a video of what I believe is one of the most pleasurable father/son bonding exercises on the planet (well actually slightly above the planet). Cheers Nick
  4. I don't know if its a proverb but a good reputation still doesn't feed the family and pay the bills.
  5. Sounds like a bet coming on.
  6. One man's illusion is another man's reality. It all depends upon your perspective, so I hope we're not going to get into a slugging match over this one.
  7. Well there'll be different people in the hot seats facing the wroth of the members. I pity them.
  8. I recollect a figure of somewhere around $85k for a Gazelle with all the bells and whistles. I could be mistaken but I remember being knocked over by the price at the time.
  9. I thought you were going to say not big enough to fit their swollen heads. My mistake. But seriously maybe your own thread instead of a room at least until you got to know each a little better.
  10. Yeah I remember that one. Real fortunate.
  11. PS you'll have to go to the end of the long line of volunteers who've already offered to help with rewriting the exams and been knocked back.
  12. I should clarify it was many years ago.
  13. I've already stuck my hand up but I'm not sure what.
  14. Well Keith at least he answers reasonable questions albeit somewhat loooongwindedly.
  15. Sorry OME. Next time I'll call it texting. Nick
  16. I thought it'd be beneficial to start a thread devoted solely to the topic of developing an SMS for RAAus (not whether we do or don't need one please).
  17. Not that I'm innocent in this regard but we are straying from the topic here. As far as the treasurer's position is concerned I'd love to know if any board member who voted to remove David Caban from the role in the first place is now intending (for whatever reason) to vote to give him the job back. Call me cynical but stranger things have happened. Understandably this type of behaviour could just possibly, create the impression of mild hypocrisy in some minds.
  18. Anything like Rafferty's rules Dafydd?
  19. I'm a Queenslander too Keith and I've been a member for 20 something years so I get to hear a lot of rumours, most of it unsubstantiated. By your responses it looks like a straight answer won't be forthcoming from your direction. So I suppose I and others will just have to follow the line that where's there's smoke... If its untrue then wouldn't it be simpler for you to say that Myles didn't send an email to you and CASA regarding the position? If he did send it then would you consider this behaviour in line with the best interests of the organisation? Nick
  20. Valid point Keith re Aerosafe. Now if you'd just dispel the other rumour we can all move forward. I also totally agree with your comments about reducing the board to seven Jim. Nick
  21. al Hi Keith If I knew it all then I wouldn't have to trouble you with the question. What I've heard is (in my opinion) exceedingly worrying and I thought you'd be keen to shed some light on the subject. By your response you are doing nothing to dispel the rumours and in fact are actually fuelling them. I thought, wouldn't it be in the best interests of who you appear to support for someone like yourself to clear the air and "tell the world"? If this is your idea of fixing a problem by not addressing the facts then I have difficulty following your rationale. As far as Aerosafe is concerned, have you personally had any dealings with them and are you certain that there are possible conflicts of interests or is it just more gossip and unsubstantiated claims? For someone who has made some strong statements recently can you actually back them up with facts? I'd be real keen to find out. Nick
  22. Hi Keith With all the rumour and innuendo going around I'd like to ask a favour if I may. The latest scare mongering gossip doing the rounds is that recently Myles sent a less than complimentary email about the safety compliance training position (including his role in it) to numerous parties including yourself and CASA. In the interests of hitting this latest bit of rubbish on the head could you please clarify that this didn't happen? I think we're all getting sick and tired of these unsubstantiated claims and it'd be great to clear the air on at least this one. Thanks Nick
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