Apologies J170 Owner.....you did post a question.
As we all know, Jabiru have had many variants in the evolution of their engines. With some of these variants sometimes a change in long term reliability occurs. As an example, the change from solid lifters to hydraulics utilising the existing 330 degrees cam, in hindsight, may not have been a great move. It probably caused many problems, some of which are still being suffered today....ie broken through-bolt perhaps. Over time, the hydraulic lifter production engine has been changed by the factory to address issues and try to get some long term reliability back into their engines. As some of the older engines time expire, for whatever reason, my belief is we should see an improvement in reliability with perhaps the possibility of seeing 1000 hour TBO's without major issues being the norm.
I'm a long time Jabiru builder/owner/pilot/L2 (I am still flying my 3300 taildragger Jabiru I started building in 2001) I am certainly a fan but have a fair insight into some of the engine's limitations/shortcomings. (depending on variant)
The piston circlip issue you mention is another story.
73's VK3AWA