The bulk of my flying is 2-3 day cross-country trips with different groups of pilots. In my experience, during the trips, most pilots will use their notepads or internet enabled mobile phones (eg. iPhones) to check non aviation specific weather sites (eg. eldersweather, etc).
When I ask them why they don't check ARFORs, METARs or TAFs they say it takes too long to decode and they aren't quite sure about the accuracy of their decoding.
We are living in the 21st century in the midst of a technology revolution. People want quick and easy access to information. Many weather sites provide that service leaving the good old coded ARFORs, METARs and TAFs behind in their wake.
We've got to stop kidding ourselves. If we are serious about safety then we need to provide a service which delivers relevant, useful, quick and easy to use information for ALL pilots, not just the elite few who are fluent in a coded language which has long ago lost it's justification to exist (why did they make us study Latin at school?).