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About flyerme

  • Birthday 21/07/1978


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    sherlock south australia 5301
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  1. Close ?. A Kawasaki 440. That is now rebuilt with brand new heads and internals
  2. Its not just the wire cables either ;). I had to swage up all new strutt,tail and control wires on my old jackaroo. The wires appeared new and the swages wrapped in a heat shrink? I removed the heat shrink to inspect the swages and they were green,corroded/calcified heavely and a couple had been over crimped and split !!!!!!! 2 and 3mm stainless 316 cable and swages fir the whole thing was under $200. On the strutt cables i went with a double swage (like my old N11) didnt cost more than $10 extra for the extra swage that wasnt needed but i felt better having them.
  3. Hi Ian. Sorry i might be a bit slow lol. but I cant seem to find the classified section? Thanks mate
  4. Well considering i owned and did over 100 hrs in my belt driven T83 with robin ec44pm and operated out of my 200 meter strip its safe to say your not quite right there. !!!! In fact way off mate ;). T 83 with belt drive robin at mtow of 300 kgs climbs all day long at over 500 fpm. the most strip i used was 150 on a stinking hot day. ;). And that was in 2013
  5. Jamestown 2018 – Warren Stewart – fiveDME
  6. Jamestown 2018 – Chris Sperou – fiveDME
  7. Jamestown 2018 – Jim Whalley Interview – fiveDME
  8. Jamestown Air Spectacular Update – fiveDME
  9. Dave are you going? As ill nominate you on my proxy!!!
  10. wrote this last night and recorded on my ipad for "flight for life" Drought releif fund To help our farmers doing it tuff I call it " Drought Down Under" One of the fundraiser organisers put it to a video Anyway Just need a record deal now lol
  11. find it here on the RAA website. Well Done Mark
  12. The mag has just been taken over by Mark smith (previously Australia flying magazine) a very accomplished editer and photographer. He is of firm belief that he will revitalise our current magazine. He has not long taken over / hand over. So i guess things are pretty full on at the moment. Give it time to settle and hopfully we should have ourselves a nice new mag
  13. Heres how i do it
  14. "5DME Adelaide Aviation & Flight Simulation is Adelaide’s premier aviation web site. We monitor and observe real aviation. This site is not just a collection of thousands or even millions of photographs from everyone. It is dedicated to aviation in Adelaide, South Australia." I've joined the crew and will debut at Jamestown Air Spectacular oct 2018 Crew – fiveDME
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