Two weeks ago I did my first solo and and some of you probably read my post. I was so pleased with myself and really felt I was the man!
Last Sunday I flew again for the first time since doing my solo so I was really excited about getting back up there. I did a few circuits with my instructor and he said it was time I did my next solo. The plan was to do one touch & go and then a full stop. I was nervous but keen to do my next solo.
So off I go, nice take off, good cross wind leg, got to circuit height as I turned downwind, got my call in, did my checks, nice base leg, good final but I ballooned a little before finally touching down a little heavily than I would have liked and because of the balloon I was a bit further down the runway than expected.
Flaps up, full throttle but to my suprise a major veer to the left, right rudder to compensate but clearly overcompensated now major veer to the right, heart in mouth now left rudder but again to much so I have pulled the throttle to kill the power applied max braking and finally managed to stop the C172.
Scared the bejesus out of me and I could not believe how fast it can all go pear shape.
Reason for the initial major veer left was that I applied full throttle to quickly. Why did I do that? I think because I landed a bit further down the runway than expected so I hit the gas quickly instead of slowly increasing the power. My reaction to rectify this and lack of experience resulted in the major veer right and then left again before I made the decision to quickly pull the power and get this thing to a stop. No damage apart from the severe hit to my ego and self confidence.
I am pretty embarrassed by the event, but if it helps someone else from applying the power to quickly on a touch & go then at least something good will come of it. I am also pleased that I was able to rectify a very ugly situation safely, but it is one lesson that I would have preffered perhaps on my 25th solo instead of my second solo.
It also highlighted that just because I have done a solo, I still have much to learn. Being over confident can give you a false sense of seccuity and eventually this is going to lead to a major kick in the pants. I was having trouble coming down from the ectasy of my first solo, but this certainly sorted that out.