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Doug Evans

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Everything posted by Doug Evans

  1. let me know how too pay Tim & i have a Copy !
  2. Do u have any photo of her before the misadventure Pete ?
  3. No my not for sale Tim only if I get really broke but not yet
  4. I found with my blue top that it bleeds it self but found different coolant can change the temp reading I use both castrol and glyco coolant works fine for my craft . I have run the engine with the cap off too see the air bubbles and then let it sit for a minute or two then run again to check for a good flow but that about all i have done on my blue top .
  5. Looking good m8 look forward to flying with ya in Whitsundays
  6. I use both avgas in my 582 I like avgas as the egt run cooler and engine Is more responsive then mogas I have no problem at all be doing avgas for the most when I can get it engine seem too run cleaner nice grey pipe
  7. Castrol Active 2 is the way too go best out there in my book ! I have had no problems with plugs using active 2 been using in my 582,s now for more then 18 years flying !
  8. Go with auto lube and you have no problems they work great these days I fly with one now and no way I go back too mixing ,
  9. U going to run a fuel flow meter ? Mike
  10. All good Andy I was just putting a different point across, For the sake of the forum
  11. Well I have been flying behind a two stroke now for more then 15 years without an engine fail ! have just under 500 hour total flying time between two 582 lightwings I put that down too good engine management practices and proper maintains at proper interval so for me I would say that a two stroke can be a very reliable engine . In the right hands , As for most engines of today's choices ,.".. Doug
  12. Bruce I understand that, but whats I would do is if there is any doubt of that component may fail because of a broken bolt would be to replace , if u re tighten the bolts u would be breaking the lock tight bond anyway so for my peace of mine it would be a safer path to redo and replace . Just my two cents worth , hope it helps Doug
  13. Why not just replace all the bolts with new ones and that way u know they are fine ?
  14. Careful some one see all the smoke coming from ya craft u end up on the news !
  15. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=849017058463693 This one has wings
  16. I use a bolly 2 blade and get 70 kn @ 5900 rpm 17 l per hour the pics says 19 but have repitch the prop after this photo
  17. Sorry u are correct mine weight in at 205 kg Type o, sorry for the bum steer ..I believe the 912 weigh in at 250-280 kg s
  18. I know of a few 582 with over 500 hrs with no problems But with a good maintains and looking after the have run reliable for many hours I know a few in the states that have a 800 plus still going strong ,.
  19. Hello Seb Well I can tell u a lightwing gr 582 will easily carry most loads with no problem .. I have owned two lightwings 250229 & 250032 I had 229 for 11 years with it being registered at 544 kg for years and could easily cart around two large people eg me 105 kg & wife 67 kg and enothe fuel to stay aloft for 5 hours if u like but I only ever stay up for a max of 3-4 hours as I needed too take a leak ..... As for oo32 she will easily do the same but now the rules have changed and she has to comply with the 400 kg mtow Because she is lw- oo1 model . Yes I belive I could do the upgrades witch in vole a brace in the wings and an upgrade of the front cross brace above ya head to bring her to a mtow of 450 kg but I won't be going down that path I carry 98 litres of fuel for those long trip on my own with camping gear and when flying two up I only use the standard tanks 66 litres Hope that help you Seb.
  20. Ya got to be tickle pink with that ! Well done guys
  21. My understanding that it would be a 10kg heavier than a 912 but u pick up with 110 hp so u would be gaining in performance to make up for the 10 kgs . !
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