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Doug Evans

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Everything posted by Doug Evans

  1. find a friend with a bobcat and practise with flour bombs that what we use to do
  2. No the oil pump is an option with I did choice to run with my blue top I beleave it to be an asset And foe me it the right way to go so far I swear bye the system work great ,
  3. Doug, The reason I asked is because you`ve quoted 500 hours. If those hours are on one motor and the Crankshaft hasn`t been renewed, I reckon it`s time to start thinking about it. Of my four 582 grey head, three went over 600hrs but failed to make 700 hours. They failed in the main crankshaft bearings. With the fourth 582, I replaced the crankshaft at 500 hrs and did a further 550 hrs. then scrapped it. Frank. Yes all good frank I did all the required maintain an when I sold her she was total engine tare down and checked Yes ya right I will be changing out the engine around the 500 hour and replacing with new ones cheap insurance Me thinks but I think good practice and engine care makes all the difference to how long they last and the are cheap to replace with a new one at $5000 a lot cheaper then a four stroke !
  4. Both frank 229 was a grey top & 0032 is a blue top most of the hours was done with the grey top in 229 0032 has done 40 hours now ,!
  5. I disagree , I only fly a two stroke and Ligthwing now for more then 15 years with over 500 hours with out a single problem I trust my little engine but I always fly IFR " I follow roads" I do all my checks & maintains on a regular bassis I warm the engine before flight I have flown to place like Thursday Island , weipa , mt isa , and as far south as nsw, but I don't care what engine u run u only have one then u should not fly tiger country with out a lot of hight or some where to land . Plan the flight with a escape route s and away fly as she may stop .
  6. Cant Beat the sound of the old girls ..........
  7. be a fair amount of drag i imagine
  8. over loaded it amazing what these old girls can carry !!
  9. Same ta this end bloody wind & work . Am in the throws of adding an extra 32 litre aux fuel tank be hind the seat should give me 90 litres usable al up :-)
  10. Just playing mate thought I stir the pot ;-)
  11. C Computer are only as good as the programmer and they make mistakes so I think u still have the same risk ! :-)
  12. I bought a cd with a video tare down of both the 582 blue top and the 503 air cooled rotax very good information in the Mar 23, 2011 - Uploaded by actechbooks This video demonstrates the complete disassembl... ... Rotax 582 two stroke engine spark ...
  13. Maybe not today but tomorrow some one has to see the holes people see hole differently ????
  14. Far as I am concern your safety is in your control but we all make mistakes No mater what u do fly ,work ,drive, play sports ,walk , but some times control over your own destiny is not in your own hands others can change it for others So to say that we can have an acindent free world is a load of bull it will never happen ! And no policy will never prevent the same because everyone reads these and see them differently to u or I Him or she People are always going to throw a spanner in the works. ........
  15. The front wheel is all ready buggered
  16. Sorry miss it but bloody work keeps interfering with flying
  17. Sorry Ian but off too Brisbane this weekend but will try catch up soon !
  18. Hello Shane look forward to catch up one time:thumb up:
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