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Doug Evans

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Everything posted by Doug Evans

  1. Sorry just don't get caught doing acrobatic
  2. this is what I have of my she was 544 kg but they have dropped my back too 400 kg Hope this helps
  3. how can a carbon cub be classed as an ultralight ? theres no way it could come under the 600 kg limit with full fuel & two people .......???? I saw one flying under 24 reg two days ago wth a full load !
  4. 0032 will be there weather permitting
  5. Doug Evans

    Imported Item

    She belong too Ian wells
  6. As far as I am concerned an ultralight aircraft is any aircraft that is below the 80 knot cruise Anything above in my eyes is a light sports aircraft That how I define the difference any way ,!!
  7. My two bob worth " Yes I feel we have lost our way they sum it up with the story in the sport mag " the Original Goals" I think any aircraft that is faster then 80 kn should be a lsa or expemental class eg : LP / HP defines the difference pretty straight foward to me. u only have to look at the sport pilot mag to see what I am talking about Eg : your flat out finding story or information on an ultralight aircraft most are LSA or expermental I think we have come along way with our flying priviledges and rights that is a good thing but I think that we should be looking at the way we are classing our aircraft eg a Super cub is no ultralight aircraft to my way of thinking . thanks "just my two bob worth " Doug Evans
  8. Yes they do tend to get weed out but it leaves a bad taste for the rest of us !
  9. Love the idea of living on the strip though must be a Airpark "Alsome "
  10. I be keeping those gloves some where else ... Be a bugger in the prop ..
  11. Good luck with it I was working at Weipa at the time took leave to do my and I did all the paper work waiting for a chance to get my bum in the left hand seat blood rain just kept coming .....
  12. Took me two weeks to do my RAA certificate because of rain. Innsfail weather !
  13. U will get that speed but ya have to set up on the step first mate if u look at your wingtip u should be level with the horizon and have a slightly nose Down attitude , well that how my old girl flew at 70 kn she had a 582 ..
  14. Cheers mate I plan to fly down your way as well .
  15. Papa 229 used to cruise at 70 kn and only use 12.5 lph !
  16. Yes there a tough little plane much like a j 3 cubbie me thinks !
  17. Update : We will be staying with 25 0032 and they have put the mtow back from 544 too 400kg all 25 register aircraft will have to conform to the original rego rule s ....... So will be heading north to innsfail around the 26th if the weather permits to bring my girl home :-)
  18. Got to sort out rego first may have to change rego too 19 .. See what future bring may even go VH .... 400 kg will not cut it. Was 544 kg but now saying all 25 rego only 400 kg
  19. Thanks mate look forward to flying her
  20. 25 0032 is now ready to fly just waiting to sort out the rego
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