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Doug Evans

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Everything posted by Doug Evans

  1. that where the problem lies .. we where there that day and Des was not alone in making the desigion we saw at least 12 or more aircraft take off in weather that I would not have flown in about half of them came back . even the radio chatter was about how the cloud base was on the deck yet other still keep trying ......
  2. Speaking for my self I always plan an IFR route "I follow roads" that was the way I was told too stay alive alway keep a field or road close bye as an engine will stop just a matter of when ! So far in my 12 year behind a two stroke I have never had a engine fail me but I still fly as it will stop at anytime . " seem to work for me "
  3. No I. Would think throwing out of the craft would be a gamble I think I would be inclined to switch it on as early as I could once I new I was in trouble and leave it in the craft as the plane should take most of the shock and hopefully the unit would survive the crash !
  4. I would not see a problem with taxi to fuel depot as long as it safe to do so
  5. not shore if this may exsplan the difrence bewteen the units ? I am trying to get more information on both as I have to get a unit for my aircraft soon
  6. they said on the news that the last contact with Des was low on fuel and lost ,so i think after that transmissinion he may have ativated the eprib at about the same time they went in and the unit was destroled on impact ! Thats may be why they where unable to get a lock on the unit ?
  7. U make that jab look big maj !
  8. good to put a face to the "avatar "
  9. He is Jab supporter just doing his bit >>>>>>>>>..............
  10. Yep I also plan too drop in there with 032 soon !
  11. Avaition has lost a true pioneer and dedicated supporter of our sport ,he will be missed bye all. Condolences too all that where with him and there family s all will be missed .
  12. u would think some one would heard it cross the coast ?
  13. Allsome weekend thanks to all organiser For putting in the hard yards for the rest of us could enjoy the pleasures of flying and socialising
  14. Enjoy we will be waiting for tent to dry then we load up our tail dragger and head inland !
  15. Was thinking getting wings made up for the trailor to tow behind the Ligthwing ,, what ya recon ,
  16. Every thing from kitchen sink to a John
  17. All set up at monto lookin like it going to be a good weekend
  18. Yep one is our tourer the other is for fun Will be leaving early in the morning
  19. We are heading down in the morning but we be on our Spyder
  20. Plenty of good single seater with two strokes about I been flying behind a 582 for over 12 years with only good maintain practices they will last a very long time I have never had one fail me
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