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Doug Evans

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Everything posted by Doug Evans

  1. Would like too but workin "..... But heading to old station 26/27
  2. Awsome, look out for heap of fun and new learnings on your adventure mate !
  3. well done now ya gona ejoy the world of aviation
  4. There a lot of them for sale I stick with my 582 s !
  5. I have the iPad 2 very happy with it works well with ozrunway ,
  6. 80Knots below LP, Hp 80 knots above
  7. My understanding that they are separate so u have too do both ! But I be leave that casa may be looking at taking the raa side under there wing in the future / 6 to 12 months it will be one ,!
  8. I had that problem in my lightwing what I did was lift the throttle needle up one groove on both carbs and adjusted the mixture screw s and balanced the carbs no more problem !
  9. Yep plenty of midges but we is lucky live 250 ft above sea level so the dont seem to be a bother >
  10. Alsome pictures mate well done ,looks like ya had a great time !
  11. Yep fellow I work in the mining and u are right it is redickulas the union are striking for more ! I think they should sac the bloody lot, do away with the greedy buggers come back down to the real world they are heading that way because of the way these fools are causing mine closes ,Norwich park have shut up shop .and I think more will follow if the people don't wake up to them selfs ,
  12. My plane was not ready ( still rebuilding ) plus work "..
  13. Sound like ya had a ball kicking myself for not beening able make the flight ?
  14. Great feeling doing it on your own for the first time congratulations mate !
  15. Well done lad look forward to your posting
  16. Look like u all enjoyed the show thanks for photo Alsome shots look forward too being able to fly down next year .
  17. Where the story's & picture of the adventure u having Donald & Ross ?
  18. sounds like ya have a voltage drop when cranking your starter may need rebushing or is worn out .
  19. sound like u should have flown down ?
  20. Alsome bet they enjoyed that run
  21. love North Queensland
  22. Have a good trip guys I hope for next year any other plane going with you fellows ?
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