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Doug Evans

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Everything posted by Doug Evans

  1. Thanks frank it was a thought I was having but I don't have an asic card and don't plan on getting one and there seem too be a lot of negatives too the idea so if I do get work I think I just drive ! But thank you for the offer
  2. sorry guys just a bushie but ya got the idea hey ........anyway some hang there planes in them ,dose that count ....
  3. looks like ya may have too get that mower up and running Tim
  4. Just requiring are there any hanger to rent or park my lightwing if i was to work in the area ? thinking of flying back and fort to work if i score a job in the area .
  5. Doug Evans


    I fly a gr lightwing cant comment on the 2000 but to say if anything like there high wing sisters they would be a a great aircraft , I haven't even seen one up close but they look sturdy not shore i use one off strip, like I do with my but would be a good long distance craft i think
  6. Do u have more information where ,price.history clayt ?
  7. Giday Ron To my knowledge 428 was written off in the Whitsunday area don't know much about her but if u have her history post it up I be interested in her past ?
  8. U flying over too avlon m8 Some of the North boys will be there I almost made it but work changed those plans Ian well , warren butler and a few others be there .
  9. Could try these they are made for motor bike tanks but not shore how small they are may be useful ? http://r.ebay.com/Oaed9p
  10. With most two stroke we carry a weight limit so for me I don't need or won't a chute nor do i won't the extra cost ,the hole idea of ultralight is affordable flying needing these system is not for them keep that sort of system for LSA craft if they require it . As it is we have lost the true spirit of affordable & fun flying . my two cent worth !
  11. Most mishaps are caused bye people , aircraft are safe but when u add a human then the chances of a mishap will go through the roof, Only have too look at other sports weather it be guns ,cars motorcycles or swimming ' every thing can cause harm if not done with the respect it deserves ' u have too try and control all the thing in and around including others to a point but then as i said being human we all make mistakes we should all try to learn from the misfortunes of us all .
  12. scary when others move your craft" hanger rash" no one knows how it happens but it dose
  13. Two strokes are fine they do require a little more care in the way u run them eg warming them up propery and then managing them in the air but I have only flown behind them all my flying life now 20 years plus with out any problems 0032 is my third two stroke in aircraft and had many other motorcycle go carts hovercraft JetSki , so for me I will happy ride fly drive push atwo stroke love them ,
  14. Well For ya first Craft I would recommend a Lightwing GR582 or GR- GA912 they are a tail dragger or nose wheel configuration can carry a pax and some gear for ya trips some more information can be found here :http://www.recreationalflying.com/forums/lightwing.48/ I have own 2 lightwing Papa0229 was my first witch I bought from Lismore I had her for 12 years with no problems flow most of the east coast did a Cape York flight around the tip and she never let me down ! Now have 250032 which I bought as a wreck and with Carlo Pete rebuild her now . they are great too fly can be a challenge in crosswinds but are very rewarding :-) Doug
  15. Hello m8 good too hear ya got the bug enjoy will look forward too cachin up may see ya ta Old Station Flyin this year yes will keep anI out for ya but people who have them realy sell there is a ga up north if ya interested ?
  16. Would love too get there but think I be heading too Ace field "Bill Starke " Place then unless weather change things ?
  17. Anything is possible depends how deep ya pockets are but think it would be a big task have too redesign fuselage and wing mounts as Planedriver suggest contact Howie or look at a craft that has that option ! eg : kitfox / highlander
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