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Everything posted by HeadInTheClouds

  1. Found this video today, luckily this guy isn't in Australia!
  2. I don't mind the whole learning on a different type thing, even if those LSA 55's have a silly silly control/throttle setup... Once I go for a fly I will find out if I can actually stand to sit in it for an extended period of time or not..
  3. Bit of a bump here, but I've just found out that the Foxbat is no longer available for me to do lessons in indefinitely. So next time I do some lessons I think, not 100% sure, that they will be in a Jabiru LSA 55. On one hand this is cool because I get to fly another type, and I've heard they are a challenge. But on the other hand it means I have to switch aircraft halfway through my training, and also I can see lessons being uncomfortable as I have sat in an LSA 55 before and have to stoop my neck forward to stop my head hitting the roof... Like I said I'm not 100% sure this will be the case, as all I know for sure is the replacement will be a Jabiru (hoping for a 160 or 170) of some sort but seeing as an LSA was also being used by the school prior to this it is most likely it will be the case.
  4. Definitely not going to be a permanent job! Just so I actually am making some money while at uni.
  5. People, for scientific research and education
  6. As an update to my previous post as unemployed student, I think I may soon have a job as an embalmer.....
  7. That could be possible... No flying club at the uni.... Yet.. I might try and start one though!!
  8. Currently an unemployed uni student, studying a Bachelor of Medicine.
  9. It's RAA only, will work by doing large blocks of training in holidays and ducking home for a weekend every now and then. It's good for a year from when you first get it too so plenty of time over the Christmas/new year period. And I'm doing a Bachelor of Medicine here.
  10. Called them today and they don't come out until near Easter apparently.... I'm starting to feel like I need to go flying again... Haven't been up since the 13th of January this year :( Just started uni so I barely have any time and I also don't have a job anymore so it's very hard. Also there is no RAA school in Armidale (Where I now live) so GA is the only option (Expensive). I went for a drive over to the airport the other day and couldn't even see any Numbers registered aircraft around the place, some interesting looking Agricultural types though. I think I will have just bite the expensive GA bullet and do a couple of hours sometime in a Warrior at the GA school here, mainly to keep kind of current but also I need to do something fun rather than the excessive amount of study I need to do with my degree.....
  11. Hi there, I Have applied for GYFTS and was just wondering if anyone knows when the results will be released, or historically around what date are they released? I emailed RAAus but got no reply. Thanks!
  12. Odd... That's the same rego as one of the aircraft I use in FSX. They musn't model them on real world rego's as it is a turbine!
  13. Interesting fuselage shape there... It seems like it will be somewhat similar to a Foxbat
  14. Link to it? Google didn't help...
  15. Sideslipping in the Foxbat is really effective! When practicing glide approaches last time I did a slip with full right rudder. It came down like a rock so this would be damned useful in a forced landing situation. It was just a pity that I floated all the way down my imaginary 'runway' which my instructor said was available to use (Between the two white touchdown points) because with full flap it just doesn't want to land! Oh well, practice will help that. Another time it was useful - Due to a runway change and also a 'brain snap' on my behalf I had it in my mind that we were on downwind and not base, so we ended up turning final at around 900'... Simple fix - a full sideslip and it comes down like an elevator! I actually find them fun to do, however when I can eventually take passengers I think I will try to avoid it because they might not appreciate feeling like they are going to fall out the door... I tend to think of a decent sideslip as changing the flight model from one of an aircraft, into that of a large and somewhat aerodynamic rock, and back to an aircraft again EDIT: This video is relevant to put here:
  16. I have 5 years of uni ahead of me which will leave my with close to a 50 thousand dollar HECS debt, and I also have to try pay for somewhere to live in those 5 years while only working at a supermarket. The challenge is finding time and money for flying
  17. A sideslip with full rudder in the foxbat also makes it feel like you're going to go flying out the door, good fun
  18. That could be the case.. It may have also been intentional now that I watch it again, because the pilot didn't seem to have the 'oh crap' moment and level the wings as soon as there was a visual reference.
  19. I noticed that too, maybe it was intentional but maybe not. Perhaps someone with IFR experience could explain....
  20. I think it would be great to be able to fly through cloud into the sunny blue skies above... And also to go cloud surfing But until then, youtube will suffice... (Disclaimer: I am not suggesting that flying into or near cloud under VFR is a 'fun' or wise thing to do at all, in fact it is more or less suicidal) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbRTLLLhPCM
  21. One thing I can imagine night VFR being useful for - Taking off while it is just still dark and watching the sunrise from the air
  22. To be honest I had no idea what a forward slip was until reading that... Thanks for the post!
  23. That would be a pretty cool thing to have....
  24. I spend probably a bit too much time on FSX, I don't really use it to 'practice' my flying skills really but it is more the ability to fly things that I will never get the chance to fly in real life or if I did would only be able to afford it once or twice (Such as piston twins and turbines). It is useful to practice flight procedures as well, such as joining the circuit at a non-towered aerodromes. The thing that FSX likes the most I think is RAM. I use a computer which has a quad core processor, great graphics card and only 4GB RAM and it struggles to even render cloud cover without dropping to like 5 frames per second (Jumpy as all hell), and when I do play it heats up like crazy trying to cope. For an older game FSX is extremely resource intensive.
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