Bit of a bump here, but I've just found out that the Foxbat is no longer available for me to do lessons in indefinitely.
So next time I do some lessons I think, not 100% sure, that they will be in a Jabiru LSA 55. On one hand this is cool because I get to fly another type, and I've heard they are a challenge. But on the other hand it means I have to switch aircraft halfway through my training, and also I can see lessons being uncomfortable as I have sat in an LSA 55 before and have to stoop my neck forward to stop my head hitting the roof...
Like I said I'm not 100% sure this will be the case, as all I know for sure is the replacement will be a Jabiru (hoping for a 160 or 170) of some sort but seeing as an LSA was also being used by the school prior to this it is most likely it will be the case.