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Everything posted by HeadInTheClouds

  1. Yep I saw that, but only the 8:40 one. I didn't think that he would actually kill the engine altogether, great landing though. Seemed to be a pretty positive story though, highlighting the fact that aircraft don't just fall out of the sky if the engine stops which is still a common belief with some people...
  2. One description says that and the other just says yaw caused the left wing to drop, must be a mistake somewhere...
  3. I don't know how this even could have happened unless it was a pretty strong gust of wind. Other than that there isn't much excuse for a control input like that.... Found this description too: Taken just a few seconds after the Foxbat had come to a halt. The aircraft appeared to approach the runway very slowly before yawing to the right, leading to the wing dropping. The left wing struck the ground & this subsequently caused two of the wheels to break-off on impact. No fire occured, & both the pilot & passenger escaped without injury. From this site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ojfphotography/4570618202/ Another photo by the same user on Flickr said the aircraft yawed and this caused the left wing to drop... Also: http://www.aaib.gov.uk/publications/bulletins/august_2010/aeroprakt_a22_foxbat__g_cwtd.cfm
  4. Just found this a second ago while looking for something on google, looks like an expensive accident: http://www.pixstel.com/6648.html "Approaching Popham Airfield, Aeroprakt A22 Foxbat G-CWTD seemed to loose power. A wing dipped touching the ground, resulting in wing and undercarriage collapsing. Occupants emerged unhurt."
  5. Have they fixed it is what I want to know, or are all A330's ticking time bombs.... EDIT: Just read they supposedly have
  6. I'm thinking of going with the Kodak one I posted in post #3, I like the fact it has 60fps and the size of it means it would be easily mounted onto the side of my headset by cable ties. The downside is that it does not have the means to connect a microphone unless I modify it myself (Which I could do with a bit of research, I've heard of people doing it with other similar cameras) but at this stage for the money and the 60fps I think it is a good option. Seeing as it is tiny and light I think I could mount it just with blu-tac on the dash of the foxbat and the blu-tac would absorb some of the vibrations
  7. My phone is horrible quality. Like unwatchable quality.
  8. I found this one before which seems to be a good deal, small enough to mount with cable ties or double sided tape and does 720p and 60fps which should be smoother than 30fps... Ill check out some reviews I think. EDIT: Forgot the darned link: http://www.1wow.com.au/kodak-ze1-blue-playfull-pocket-hd-camcorder-ze1l-27631.html
  9. Hey there, Thinking I might start trying to film my flying lessons and also my solo when I do it hopefully next month, mainly because it would be a good learning tool but also so I can show people what I do :) So what I'm looking for is a small video camera that has at least 720p video and can easily be temporarily mounted somewhere with cable ties or a suction mount, or maybe even on a headset. An input to route voice from the headset would also be nice but not essential. A GoPro is way out of my budget at the moment, I would probably be looking to spend less than $100 at the moment. Obviously not looking for the most amazing video quality, just something that will be clear and watchable. Thanks!
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itIUm6vExEw Not much explanation needed, can't believe the skill and nerve of these RFDS pilots.
  11. Just don't try to correct for crosswind from the right by using right 'rudder' in your car, it won't end well...
  12. I always question things when I fly commercially now. Was flying into Sydney on a Dash 8 with QantasLink not too long ago and we were on final, flap down and still no sign of gear. As we passed the CBD (16L) my mind was screaming: gear, gear, gear, gear, GEAR! It did come down eventually (And in those dashes it feels like ripping on a handbrake) I think in aviation (as a passenger) knowledge isn't power, it means you see things other passengers wouldn't bat an eyelid at. And in my case get slightly nervous at being in pitch black IFR conditions with turbulence (While other pax are busy snoring their heads off, I'm busy looking for a horizon reference.....)
  13. http://www.smh.com.au/travel/travel-incidents/pilot-pressure-caused-errors-20111212-1ori8.html
  14. So tonight I went VFR into IMC. It was definitely dark when I left for home but it was less than 20 minutes, and I knew the areas well so I thought whats the worse that could happen? So off I went, right into a rainstorm which combined with the darkness made it much harder to see. Visibility was terrible, and couldn't have been more than 10 metres at best. Instruments weren't much help either, and I relied on navigation by what small features and reflections I could make out on the ground. The reflections from my lights also helped. In the end I managed to make it home, even though I was considering giving up because of the crappy conditions. I managed to make it home, but it wasn't a fun trip either way. Even though I was in a car and the above describes my trip home form work, it still wasn't too fun
  15. Not the same for all cases though... I'm applying for it because I'm off to uni next year and there is no way I could finish my certificate and pay for uni at the same time as lessons would be so spread out it would take me the whole 6 years I'll be at uni to finish the cert.! If I got the scholarship and finished it though, I could easily afford the private hire sporadically and with a pax endo cost sharing comes into it too. There is a bit of a difference between being able to afford training and being able to afford to fly.
  16. Possibly referring to the GYFTS scholarship, which coincidentally I am in the middle of applying for right now.
  17. The same user has also posted a fair few photos of commercial flights, and also of a PPG flying around AND overhead and doesn't seem to be complaining about the noise from that, infact he/she seems to be in admiration. Hypocrite.
  18. Noticed this at Townsville recently, rudders fully deflected to the right after shutdown. Makes sense with the wind direction
  19. A Foxbat? Really? Noise? Half the time when a Foxbat flys right over my house I don't even notice unless I see it it's that darned quiet!
  20. Turboprops actually feel like flying... Especially with the faster acceleration they have and the fact that in a smaller plane you can feel the slight yawing movements. It's also familiar when they do propeller checks on the first flight of the day. To me, sometimes bigger jets take away the feeling of flying, and it ends up you are just sitting in a seat that happens to be at forty thousand feet. And I haven't even been in anything bigger than a 737...
  21. What? Care to explain that a bit more? Special relativity also refers to the speed of light being a constant...
  22. More or less=Accounting for air resistance. I saw them do a myth on mythbusters regarding the firing something backwards with the same speed as a car moving forwards. Surprisingly it did drop pretty much straight down (Air resistance) at a range of velocities. While the projectile is in the barrel of the moving car, it may as well be not moving at all. The 'shot' will accelerate it down the barrel and until it leaves it is as if the cannon was sitting still on the ground. But while it is accelerating down the barrel, lets say to 100km/h, the car is traveling the opposite direction at 100km/h. So relative to the car the projectile will accelerate to 100km/h and leave the cannon, but relative to anyone watching it the projectile was already traveling at 100km/h (To the left for arguments sake) and the firing of the cannon has essentially slowed it down like a brake so that when it leaves the cannon it has no velocity, and hence drops pretty much straight down.
  23. If you shot it astern it would drop more or less straight down.
  24. The bullet will have it's speed plus the speed of the car (So bloody fast)
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