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    Strathalbyn, Australia
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  1. Instead of buying a 3D printer which you will only use occasionally and be obsolete in months, I would recommend using the following http://www.3dhubs.com/ It is a very simple process and you don't need to worry about the print stage, just design your part, upload it, pay for it and collect it!
  2. We use MicroAvionics which has either a phone lead or bluetooth http://www.microavionics.co.uk/ULM%20Intercoms.html Dealer in South OZ is Adelaide Airsports http://www.airsports.com.au/accessories.htm
  3. Hi Graeme, I have used the TrikeSlide throttle splitter on a Rotax 447 with dual carbs and dual throttle (foot/hand)...worked well. http://www.triketek.com/Products.php can also purchase through Aircraft Spruce http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/trikeslide.php Cheers, Damo
  4. How much do you want for it?
  5. some photos of OzRunways on ipad mini on their facebook page http://www.facebook.com/OzRunways
  6. GPS in the "Cellular" model which arrives late November http://www.apple.com/au/ipad-mini/specs/
  7. Take a look at the latest GoPro 3 cameras...now smaller, lighter, more powerful and built-in wi-fi http://gopro.com/hd-hero3-cameras
  8. Thanks for the stickers Mardy
  9. My old rotax had a "Clear Prop" sticker made of metal/foil. Anyone know where you can buy these?
  10. Hi Bruce, 150m strip with trees at each end is probably a bit too short for a trike. For a $20K budget I would be looking at a second-hand Airborne Outback with Wizard wing. It would be capable of short strip flying in the right hands. Cheers, Damian
  11. GoPro Wi-Fi Remote is now available (legally) in Oz http://www.racerecall.com/gopro-wifi-and-remote-combo-hd-hero1-hd-hero2-p-221.html Sony have a new camera coming soon which also looks good http://www.sony.com.au/productcategory/cam-action-cam
  12. is it an Ultralight, a Trike...or maybe even a Gyro http://www.dailymercury.com.au/story/2012/09/24/ultra-light-plane-hits-powerlines-injured-hospital/
  13. Nice work Mardy Look forward to seeing you fly in to Strath one day, will keep an ear out for the radio call Cheers, Damian
  14. I was part of a group of around 8 trikes which flew past there five weeks ago. We had a total of 11 trikes on a trip over to the Grampians and Swan Hill, a couple finished at Lameroo and one headed back to Gawler.
  15. What's your GPS coords?...might land there next time I fly over to Lameroo
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