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David Isaac

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Everything posted by David Isaac

  1. Its called working together
  2. Maj, while I may agree in principle, you opened yourself up on this one. RAAus is NOT a company ...( yet) ... it is an association of members; and until that changes that is how it should be managed.
  3. GG I am not so sure about that. Id have to look at the constitution which is weak in many areas. My understanding is that a member must be financial at the time of voting. The member cannot vote until the voting papers are produced which is only a few weeks ahead of vote close. The vote should be valid if the member is financial at the time it is received. But that also has its problems and I never asked the returning officer if they assessed the validity of membership on the basis of the official vote close date or the date at which the vote was received. If a member votes and subsequently finds they are not financial, it would be the responsibility of the member to become financial before the vote period closed and then contact the returning officer to advise that the members vote is valid at the time of vote close. Assumptions on my part, but I think sawing sawdust. I would think that if my membership was valid on the day RA Aus receive the vote it may be a defensible position ... but then again I should read the constitution again because it was a few years ago.
  4. I have been there as a scrutineer. Votes are validated as financial or not as they arrive, that is why the numbers are on the rear of the envelope ... no number ... invalid vote. Anything else in the envelope ... invalid vote. No envelopes are opened until final checking of mail on the day of official vote close. All envelopes are opened after official vote close at the time of counting.
  5. Hilarious FT ... Don't know what aviation world you live in, where I fly they are all historic aircraft ... Suggesting 'old' aircraft keep new flyers out of the market are you?????
  6. Hilarious FT ... Don't know what aviation world you live in, where I fly they are all historic aircraft ... Suggesting 'old' aircraft keep new flyers out of the market are you?????
  7. Careful what you wish for FT. It will happen a lot sooner to virtually all LSAs because they are virtually all build substantially flimsy compared to the old GA aircraft. If you think GAs should be scrapped after 40 years it will be half that for conventionally built LSAs, the exception may be composite built LSAs only.
  8. Careful what you wish for FT. It will happen a lot sooner to virtually all LSAs because they are virtually all build substantially flimsy compared to the old GA aircraft. If you think GAs should be scrapped after 40 years it will be half that for conventionally built LSAs, the exception may be composite built LSAs only.
  9. And always nice looking with a low drag profile. I notice it is VH rego, very smart.
  10. Correct Nev, I am not, most of the women I know are a damn site prettier than me LOL.
  11. I am now going to be very conscious of what she might have packed in that Ajax of hers next time I give her cheek. LOL
  12. Yes indeed he did and was. Tragically it appears his one fundamental mistake in the area he wasn't trained cost him his life. Should be sobering for us older GA boys.
  13. Classic low level stall and impact. Shouldn't be anywhere near 90 degrees at low level. Classic gotcha that he would have been taught about in a low level endo. It is very sad that he had to pay the ultimate penalty
  14. All good points Tubz. Earlier reports said it was a Lance, not sure but I think the Lance also has a different wing to the six.
  15. Sad outcome Tubz. He was an experienced GA boy. I think he owned a Bonanza for his weekly commute.
  16. Very sad pictures. Thankfully all escaped in injured.
  17. Asmol, Pretty much confirms mustering. My info was that it was Bill's first flight in the aircraft. Either way he only just acquired the aircraft. Whether he was endorsed or not for mustering is now a moot point. A terrible penalty to pay.
  18. Agrre Ross, but the required upskilling is required when converting either way, it is not unique to GA pilots going to ultralight aircraft. A cub is hardly a typical ultralight it was GA long before ultralights even existed.
  19. This was a Lance, not a Cherokee six. Lances need power on approach or they sink like a brick, they usually settle well, they certainly do NOT float unless you have way too much speed.
  20. I know where it used to be, it was gone before my time I think.
  21. You got it Dutchy, it was the Model 12 incident that generated her last response and then again with this one.
  22. Nev, it depends on what you call fun. Every time I flew the old bird I enjoyed the challenge especially in gusting cross winds where you had your hands and feet working in all directions. Sometimes when attempting to land, it seems like they just don't want to stop flying.
  23. One way to teach people what they don't know is to teach abnormal attitudes, spins and how to make balanced turns, steep and rate one. Most importantly put a lot more effort into stall and stall recovery at all attitudes. Teach pilots to overcome the counter intuitive response and train an instinctive response to stall and stall onset. You need to show students just how quickly it can turn to shit by putting them in situations they should not be in and then recovering or have it scare them so much they never do what you have demonstrated. Trouble is there are bugga all RAAus instructors with that level of competency. I had the pleasure of many instructors since I was 16 years old and one cranky old bugga stands out. I owe my life to him because one day when I got into trouble all his training flooded in and saved my bacon. I would have been another of those 34 year old fatalities way back then. My survival was a result of effective training ... did you get that ... my survival was a result of effective training. Effective means he taught me and I learned ... not just the first part. If you don't understand the risks, you don't know you are taking them. We need to instill a life preservation instinct. Many can teach ... but ... the litmus test is ... did the student comprehend, learn and did his competency improve?
  24. I sympathize Asmol, My wife keeps pointing out to me how many of the fatalities are guys my age with years of GA experience. She says to me "... another highly experienced pilot ... if he was that experienced how come he is dead ..." hard to answer.
  25. Correct, I wasn't prepared to identify him until I knew his name was in the public domain.
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