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David Isaac

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Everything posted by David Isaac

  1. And you can bet the bean counters are working on that Nev.
  2. I have found out who this poor soul was. He was a personal friend of a personal friend of mine. I have not met him but I know who he is, he was only 54 years of age. He is well respected in the motorsport field and was a very experienced GA pilot who flew his GA aircraft weekly between his very large rural holdings. Very sad, it is said it was his first flight in his new RAA registered Cub. A tragic outcome to what should have been years more of enjoyable flying.
  3. In the original WWII Austers, the ground roll was only 150 metres. The bounce with that climb prop they all had was a very effective self launch on rough ground.
  4. Ha ha ha Nev, they sure can, they don't need any reason to bounce, compliments of those big rubber bands.
  5. Training, training, training, ... combined with the ability to learn, learn, learn.
  6. Dear God, I hope the poor soul had proper training and approvals for mustering. Loitering around at low level and low speed is fatal without proper training. This will serve as a real wake up call, hopefully.
  7. Not again ... what the hell is happening out there. What on earth are we doing so wrong that the penalties are so high? So damn tragic.
  8. I haven't forgotten M'dear. We have just got to catch up somewhere. Somewhere and me being the problem. It will happen one day. LOL
  9. I'm talking about a Piper Lance not a PA28-235. A lance is under powered, even with 300 GGs with 6 up on a short grass strip ... believe me, I with 5 others was close to death many years ago. Pull the power and they sink pretty fast. It is a strictly bitumen aircraft.
  10. Morane Saulnier Rallye Type MS880B STOL actually, made by Socata, I did my first solo in one in 1970 at 16 years of age. Great thread Alan, thanks for your info; eagerly watching.
  11. Richard, I think you meant to say "anybody who CANNOT learn this ....."
  12. True about the high RPM sixes, but they were all very short stroke low CC engines. You can forget about reving longer stroke high CC sixes. BMW make a beautifully balanced high performance 6, but again it is an over square engine and only around 3000 CC. The beauty of sixes traditionally in the conventional auto range was that you didn't need to rev them, the original 250 cu" Falcon six developed max torgue at 1200 RPM.
  13. and convicted and from memory he didn't get off lightly.
  14. It cost him big time from memory. Turbs might remember. It was on this forum when he was sentenced.
  15. Wasn't the Hume Weir incident handed over to police because aircraft was unregistered and pilot had no certificate?
  16. Motzy, Wadaya talking about. The Lance is a real underpowered dog of a thing. LOL
  17. I have even noticed a couple of times when I have been seated in the emergency exit row the lap belts in some airline aircarft are air bag equipped????
  18. Now you are talking Litespeed. What you say makes total sense. I didn't know such protection was available it would be excellent for crash protection in otherwise flimsy structures such as ultralights and motorcycles where you have virtually no crash protection.
  19. So what activates the neck air bag GG?
  20. Mate I am so old and cynical these days what you described to me is almost expected. Bureaucracy and empire building at its finest and all at the cost of Joe Public.
  21. Sam for places like Narrabri, call the airport operator and obtain permission to bring them in without individual ASICs. It should be OK at small regional fields, probably would not work at a capital City Primary though.
  22. You do NOT have to have an ASIC, a lower cost option is an AVID, but your MUST have one or the other for a CASA issued license.
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