Sam, a very interesting question. Under the last Ops Manual I have had substantial arguments on this issue as I can prove there was NO actual hour requirements for a High Performance RAAus conversion, but there was a minimum number of hours for Low Performance. I haven't read the new Ops Manual but the conversion should be simply based on compentency, hours are irrelevant.
I had been flying LP ultralights way back in the early 8os when I had a PPL and there was no such thing as a pilot certificate in those days, so years later when I wanted to start flying Ultralights again, I had to do a conversion to get the Pilots Certificate. I did it in a Drifter because that was one of the original Ultralights I flew back in the 80s and simply then did a check flight in a Foxbat of about three circuits to get my PC.
This "them and us" thing is quite destructive and really pisses me of. I have flown both types for more than 40 years, but then again my principle motivation for flying is fun and the challenge.
You certainly are right about dickheads and cowboys in both camps ... I have seen plenty over the years.