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David Isaac

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Everything posted by David Isaac

  1. So then what does 'Type' mean if it doesn't have a definition what is it. Is the type Low performance? We don't have a low performance Type in GA and there are plenty of low performance GA aircraft.
  2. That's right and some of us bitch at the way GA charges us to convert and look what we do. What has 5 hrs got to do with anything? You could do it all in a Jab or other LSA and miss out on any conversion to low performance high drag machines and just jump in a Drifter under our dumb new scheme and be legal. I rest my case.
  3. David, the latest insurance provides limited liability protection to the pilot.
  4. Sam, a very interesting question. Under the last Ops Manual I have had substantial arguments on this issue as I can prove there was NO actual hour requirements for a High Performance RAAus conversion, but there was a minimum number of hours for Low Performance. I haven't read the new Ops Manual but the conversion should be simply based on compentency, hours are irrelevant. I had been flying LP ultralights way back in the early 8os when I had a PPL and there was no such thing as a pilot certificate in those days, so years later when I wanted to start flying Ultralights again, I had to do a conversion to get the Pilots Certificate. I did it in a Drifter because that was one of the original Ultralights I flew back in the 80s and simply then did a check flight in a Foxbat of about three circuits to get my PC. This "them and us" thing is quite destructive and really pisses me of. I have flown both types for more than 40 years, but then again my principle motivation for flying is fun and the challenge. You certainly are right about dickheads and cowboys in both camps ... I have seen plenty over the years.
  5. The RAAus Pilot Certificate will always have a place, and those who have one will always be able to fly RAAus registered aircraft. There is no valid reason why a RPL, or PPL or CPL. etc should not be able to fly any RAAus aircraft with an appropriate conversion perhaps based on type weight or performance, no reason why a pilot certificate should be necessary for them. BUT if they want to fly an RAAus aircraft, it is entirely appropriate they have to become an RAAus member and pay the membership fees which gives them the insurance they would not otherwise have. I think what I am attempting to describe is a reasonable proposition. Both sides win because the RPL or other holder gets to own or fly an RAAus registered aircraft without having to do an other license type and RAAus wins because they gain a new member. No one loses.
  6. Are we all missing the obvious. Any PPL, CPL, ATPL etc can fly an ultralight right now. All they have to do is a conversion and join RA Aus.
  7. He didn't have any problems then did he ... So he doesn't have any now.
  8. I hope so Dafydd, that may be the only blessing that results from a CASA curse.
  9. Very very unfortunate for those who invested in these engines. These are substantial limitations and rest well and truly at the feet of Jabiru Aircraft
  11. Nice ... Looks like Taree.
  12. Why would anyone change any battery technology in anything without assuring themselves that the charging regime is compatible ..... profound stupidity, let alone unprofessional. Makes you wonder about the amateurish approach by some aircraft owners. Don't they value their life?
  13. Isn't this a classic case of blame the product when the real problem was incorrect installation and charging setup. If you install in accordance with the specified charging and housing requirements why wouldn't they be safe?????? More importantly install a LiFePO4 battery with correct charging circuitry or DONT install it at all.
  14. Yes, but they found debris within days?????
  15. Hey Al, Great post as usual and always appreciated by us folks. Also Happy happies mate and all the best. I had mine last week 61 holy ... cant believe I made it this far LOL.
  16. I'm not so sure about that ya ol buzzard, last time you, me and Pud saw each other were were all pretty gay ... in the purest sense of the original meaning of course ... least we start rumours ...ROFLMAO. Must be time to catch up again ol fella.
  17. We must both be bad Howard, because that was the first thing I thought of as well. Where would you find a plumber without a crack ... Oh and BTW, Dazz is a plumber and he just had a crack at Rankamateur ...ROFLMAO.
  18. Yep ... we were invincible in those days. Couldn't see the risks and dangers for looking. It is a miracle I am alive today at my current age given what I did when i was "invincible". I lost a few of my invincible mates along the way and often reminisce what would have been if they were still with us today ... sigh. " ....There but for the grace of God go I ......."
  19. I agree, I got what you were trying to get across and yes it is amazing how these myths survive. But I am sure you would know that it is possible to say that pigs can fly and eventually have a whole bunch of corporate tossers believe you in the right (wrong) circles. History is full of industry myths blindly followed by loyal minions who dare not question the establishment.
  20. Not really, I believe it should be taught from the beginning and it can be easily shown by holding a model in your hand and explaining the interactions between the control surfaces. There are also some great videos in a Decathalon (cant remember who produced them) that show the principle very clearly. I think these basic principles should be taught correctly from the beginning, particularly the controls and effects in turns and the dangers of unbalanced turns, maybe we would kill less if it were better understood.
  21. Well I'm just an old bloke that loves flying thingies and has been flying them since age 16 and it is the elevator that causes the aircraft to turn, the elevator is the principal control for turns.
  22. Jees, isn't he. He is getting real trendy then getting on the internet while travelling isn't he. Keep driving careful ol son.
  23. Hey welcome back ol fella. Glad to hear you survived on those two wheel things. I worry about you sometimes..
  24. And a good tailwind component ...LOL
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