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David Isaac

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Everything posted by David Isaac

  1. Agreed, but I don't know what the alternative is. Censorship is a bad idea. We are big people, we should be able to sort the wheat from the chaff I hope. We don't have to get involved if we don't want to.
  2. Often starts that way but usually self moderates and becomes constructive.
  3. This thread developed into some very valuable discussion, way past bickering and name calling. Why does it have to return to a them and us mentality as you allege Arron?
  4. What is that supposed to mean Rick P, are you attempting to insult me?
  5. Oh please ... you guys ... go to bed. LOL
  6. 1200 metres for a drifter ... what were you doing; wheeling it all the way down the runway.
  7. Behave your self Kaz ... they dont make P Charts short enough for Austers ... LOL
  8. One assumes the accredited Cirrus Salesman .... but a good question, cause he was in the right seat (even though you can still be PIC in the right). Who could ever really know, maybe the potential client cocked up? There was also a PAX in the back.
  9. Did they inadvertently kill someone as a result? Yes it would have to be a criminal case not civil to be a guest of the taxpayer.
  10. This PI insurance is ironically a liability for me as well. I agree having it makes you a claim target for the reasons you detailed. Sometimes I think I would be better off having no assets and carrying no insurance. Anyone wanting to claim would discover I had nothing and drop the claim. The trouble is all my clients require that I carry it, so I am insured and a potential target if something happens that on opportunist thinks he can claim on whether I have cocked up or not.
  11. Was that as a result of actual claims Dafydd or perceived risk.
  12. Ha Ha yep, well I don't fly behind one, mine is max continuous at 21oo RPM. Cruise 1900 RPM. I guess that is why I marvel at the little ones.
  13. I often marvel at that little engine screaming its ass of at 5,800 RPM for hours and and hours with many still going way beyond the rated TBO. A lot of money behind Bombardier though and you pay for what you get.
  14. That is potentially a bit unkind ol' son. There are many who have not had the opportunity of quality education or for some reason were unable to benefit from it. I don't ever want to see where a poster who struggles with English expression is criticised to the point that he will no longer post.
  15. Shitstirrer. She says she is a she but I suspect she is a he .... LOL
  16. Damn Bex, you guessed right away who I was talking about in post #10 ... LOL.
  17. Maybe Cammit are doing something similar Bex. Are you planning on using these heads on your engine maybe????
  18. Interestingly you are correct, except that NOT everyone can. It is the grammar and punctuation that can completely alter the meaning of a sentence or paragraph.
  19. Profound quote Potts, What I guess is enlightening to me is that he said that back in the 1800s. Seems like 200 years later, human nature is still the same.
  20. On ya PMC, I have yet to experience my first time. Maybe next year.
  21. You are safe buddy, it was an excellent constructive thread to start.
  22. Of course there are some at the moment whose spelling and grammar are rather obviously engineered perhaps to mask their true identity. I say this because in subsequent or other posts this same person has perfect grammar and spelling.
  23. I would hate to criticise a persons use of spelling and grammar in a harmful manner as I know you guys above feel as well. It is great to offer help and if it seen in the spirit it is offered we can all benefit. Some times it just needs the poster to wait a few minutes and check before posting, or read it after posting and go back immediately and make corrections, (I think we have 15 minutes to edit). We can all make mistakes and they have been amusing. I have enjoyed at least on two occasions where someone has suggested to me to go back and read what I have just posted, because they knew what I was attempting to say, and to my horror on re reading it read the exact opposite of what I was attempting to say. English is a bitch of a language and at times it is frustrating trying to decipher what the poster is attempting to say.
  24. Great post Dafydd, good info. Not really that silly a question though because even though we both know there is an engine test cell where the engine is setup for initial static testing, there is also an installed test that you have ably described. It is the final installation of the cooling configuration that I am highlighting and perhaps that configuration changed from the test configuration or perhaps it may need improvement if subsequent operating experience indicates the engines are running on peak or too close to peak temps. Of course what is defined as peak could also be pivotal in the survivability of the engine. I think if they can improve the cooling, many of the problems which are symptomatic of high temps will go away. My mistake, I meant to actually say 'factory built models' which would include the certificated models and the LSA. By that comment I am suggesting that the factory built models should have properly functioning cooling installations and properly functioning CHT instrumentation which is fit for the purpose of operating the aircraft in accordance with the POH. Of course in the kit built versions, anything could happen and the factory would not be responsible. My understanding is that the factory built Jabs are also experiencing over heat symptoms. Hell when they finally get this right, it will be a fabulous little engine and should do Jabiru and Australia proud. I personally want them to succeed and I really believe most of us feel the same. Hopefully many of the resolutions will be available soon.
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