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David Isaac

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Everything posted by David Isaac

  1. Yep all the old Cessnas had the lever flap actuator, I preferred them as well. You sure as hell knew if you were to fast when you pulled on that lever.
  2. Great way to promote gliding
  3. FFS This is normal practice to land launch float planes and completely safe. This usually follows wintering in North America. Approaching winter they may land them on wet grass, winch them onto trailers and store them for the winter. Then in spring this is the way they are typically flown out.
  4. Yeah ... Sounds like Sunbury weather Nev. LOL
  5. Just looking at the effort that CAMit are putting into these improvements is very promising and if they have got it right, it will make the Jabiru aircraft a winning Australian Product all around and one worthy of an Australian label.
  6. From what I am told it is a tick box thing DJP. Tick any of the boxes for certain conditions and its over. If you have had it or got it there is no debate. But I was told by a DAME recently that there is some scope for 'discussion' with the GP. But that is not an appeal process, just a medical opinion by someone other than CASA.
  7. Smart Aleck ... if you fail an RPL medical you fail. One option you have if you fail an RPL is to apply for a class 2 and then use the class 2 appeal process which at worst could be an 'as or with co-pilot' restriction on your medical ... is that clearer fo you ol fella ... LOL
  8. Yes .. and I have. You can appeal any decision AVMed make and they send you the appeal process with their decision. You should study the DAME medical conditions document you can download from the CASA website first though and see if you have any grounds for an appeal. Class 2 is appealable the RPL medical is not.
  9. Could be any of the following: Lack of lubrication, wrong oil, overheated head, poor design of valve gear geometry, faulty bush material. I think top end overhauls are typically around 300 to 350 hrs on these engines. Cheap enough to do if you know it needs to be done.
  10. smart ass ... ROFLMAO
  11. I don't want to be cynical buddy, but if they have only issued a one year class 2 it isn't all behind you. You need to get them to advise you when you can go back to a two year normal medical.
  12. You would think your DAME would have quizzed you on your response and given you appropriate advice.
  13. I would email them and ask them to clarify the renewal procedural requirements for next year. I found them quite good in written response.
  14. Yep, two years is normal issue, one year is because they want to reassess you in 12 months and they will probably put you through all the same tests again next year and make it so expensive to keep your class 2 that you will think again. How can you not become cynical with this kind of treatment. Did they put any restrictions on your medical like "Renew by CASA only" or "As or with co-pilot"?
  15. I agree PM, it was amazing the free stuff we got back then, and that went right through till the early 90s from memory
  16. Are we that desperate for frequency band width that we need to resort to 3 decimal place frequencies? This will ultimately cost the user a fortune in hardware upgrades.
  17. I take it you used to get higher revs until recently. Are you climbing at the same speed? If so and you haven't changed anything operationally such as propellor it indicates a reduction in power output. I would conduct a leakdown test, it is different to a compression test. At 350 hrs, I would suggest you are up for a top overhaul.
  18. At about 15 knots it becomes a parachute LOL ... the benefit of a large single surface wing.
  19. That is speculation not fact.
  20. Ha ha Pud .. 35 is normal cruise speed for the Javelin. LOL
  21. The problem has always been that the X Country Nav requirements for PPL was twice the hours required for RAAus X country. That is probably why if you want the RPL with X Country and you only hold an RAAus X Country, I have always suspected you will need to do more X county to satisfy the GA Instructor who will issue the RPL. If anyone has a class 2 medical and already done GA X country why on earth would you want an RPL when the Class 2 means you are PPL.
  22. Yep, the bastards used to do it to me all the timing hanging on the strut of the C180 with one hand and waving at me with the other with a bloody cheeky grin ... meanwhile I've bloody near got full rudder in trying to keep the old girl straight while they are hanging on and I am merrily losing height ... the buggas. LOL Never pulled the C180 strut off ... LOL. Don't know about the jumpers, but i know why I wore a bloody chute.
  23. LOL ... Ah ... the old slab back as we call them with the lopey old 0-300, the 6 cylinder dinosaur ... chug a lug ... i think i can ... i think i can. Much smoother than the 4 cylinder though ( I prefer sixes). Definitely around the Ferris Wheel, pretty much static takeoff performance
  24. Yep ... well Cessnas do have fowler flaps and the takeoff setting is 20 degrees with the 180, 182, 185, 206 and the climb is impressive with only one or two up, certainly cant see over the nose, just hope the donk doesn't suddenly stop on the initial climb, can be slow as 58knts with only two up... LOL. As long as there is no Ferris Wheel in the splay you should be OK, mind you the big Cs could out climb the Ferris Wheel ....
  25. There has been quite a bit of debate on that one issue Russ.
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