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David Isaac

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Everything posted by David Isaac

  1. I get the what do you reckon question, but there is little expectation that I would know Phil.
  2. So Dave, do you currently hold a GFPT because that is equivalent to RPL. In fact the RPL will replace the GFPT and if you have a RPL with Class 2 medical you can carry 3 pax (4 POB).
  3. I made a submission in any case. Not holding my breath, I asked them to consider its application to private pilots operating small aircarft into regional Australia aerodromes. I didn't ask to drop the ASIC completely.
  4. Interesting contribution. Thanks.
  5. Looks like she has been found 2,500 ks off Perth, breaking news. Satellites have identified significant debris.
  6. We all make mistakes buddy or have already made them. The wealth of experience on here is astounding. You would be surprised at the credentials of some of the posters, from ATPLs to LAMEs, engineering experts, fuel and oil engineering experts, to really nice ol farts like Franko ... Well done with the PC and welcome
  7. Ha ha Tubz, in relation to wives finding out, You are so right ... They find out from the guilty vibes we give off. That damn female intuition. LOL BTW, I think the ideal thing is to run the engine dry each time and don't leave any fuel in the tank. You are right about the fuel manufacturers, one can't help but think the fuel has been designed to go stale. Recently I have taken to shutting down the Auster by turning the fuel tap off and letting the engine shutdown on starvation (I run premium 98 ULP in the Auster). It does two things, gets all fuel out of the carb and ensures that the fuel is always on at start because if it ain't it won't start and there is no risk of starting and moving off with the fuel valve off. The only problem is what do I do with the fuel in the tank. Drain it and take it home for woof wood?
  8. Or the passengers are all collateral damage, because the cargo or the plane had some 'other' value. As horrific as that is to consider, it is entirely plausible in this sick world we live in where life has little value to some. Why is there so much lack of information on this incident ... why is the US so silent ... incompetence or orchestrated? What is being covered up? Rhetorical questions.
  9. That is truly the best formation flying I have ever seen. They are obviously not Italian starlings ... LOL
  10. I cannot believe you said that buddy. It's called accountability. I would expect my representative to vote on the basis of his /her platform for election or at least give us the reasons why not. If they don't like scrutiny then they should get out of the Board room.
  11. Or what we often refer to as "Motherhood statements" they have moral value only. Plenty of corporations don't even hold to the ethics of their own motherhood statements.
  12. Lithium Iron Phoshate is here now. It outperforms lead acid about seven fold. Expensive but will only get cheaper with economies of scale.
  13. Regardless of how, very sad to hear, especially to family and friends.
  14. Whilst that may be the case in some circumstances, it does not absolve the PIC of responsibility to obtain operational information before attempting to land there. If you choose to land because permission is not required and do not obtain operational information, you do so at your own risk.
  15. Gidday ol fella ... LOL. The special resolutions must come on notice from the secretary, we should see them soon. Maybe Don will put them up on here with some discussion. The CRC certainly haven't put anything up, i don't know what happened to them in this process ... perhaps nothing as in the past.
  16. Do your best to get in contact, it is a beaut little strip, it is what is left of one of the old WWII strips that were built all over Australia 7/8ths of a mile of bitumen in their original form. I used to fly a Frank Bailey 'Mustang' Ultralight out of there in the early 80s when all there was was a hangar, one little building and a Cessna 182 ... and us nutters in rag machines of course. This was before the AUF got off the ground.
  17. Technically you must have permission to land at any ALA in Australia. A part of that process allows you as the PIC to ascertain the operational status of the field and your ability to use it legally with your particular aircraft and load. If you don't obtain permission and just turn up (which a lot of people do) and something goes wrong and you are called to account for your actions, it could be legally embarrassing. You would certainly have no come back if there was a displaced threshold that you were not aware of and sustained damage or injury. In those circumstances possibly your insurer could deny any claim.
  18. Kev, Special resolutions are supposed to be published with the notice of meeting or at least in an agenda ahead of the General Meeting in the required time frame. Special resolutions must be on notice, nothing can be changed or added at the meeting. They will of course require a 75% majority of eligible votes to be successful.
  19. Richard, You are not considering the EGM that was called and held in Canberra to hold the Board to account over a number of piss poor performance issues and one of them was this accountability issue relating to transparency of process and the attitude of secrecy. I think most of us understand the need to maintain reasonable levels of confidentiality, but to use confidentiality as a reason not to communicate with transparency when matters should be known to members is what got the Board in trouble in the first instance. The original confidentiality document was disgraceful and arguably illegal. It was changed and I believe the current version is benign, but until someone sends me a copy of the current one, I couldn't possibly know. One thing is for sure that the platform on which pretty much all of the new Board members advertised was for transparency. I am seeing a lot more now than ever, but there are years of cluster Fs to fix up. For the moment I am prepared to give them space. I am hoping that the Natfly GM will be an opportunity to provide the members with quality information on real progress. Having to deal with CASA would bring its own challenges (not all bad), but nevertheless a learning curve for all.
  20. Kev, There are a number of special resolutions for constitutional amendment coming up at the General Meeting at Natfly that will require the minutes to record each Board members vote. They need to be supported
  21. You don't get your PPL based on hours, it is assessed on competency regardless of how many hours you have done. So you can log away and if it adds to your competency (which it should) it will help.
  22. Definitely yes ... it is your flying log and should include all your flying hours no matter where you are and whether you are the PIC or under instruction.
  23. Ross, Keeping the comms open makes sense, just don't engage the stupid hot stuff. Keep cool and keep up the comms it is appreciated by all. It is a mistake to criticise anyone who is enquiring, it is after all our basic right, however, I don't appreciate the needless baiting activities of a particular contributor. This a great media for keeping in touch with a great number of truly interested members, don't throw the baby our with the bath water buddy.
  24. Sorry to hear this is the consequence of what you have detailed above Maj. I haven't been on this forum for some time and it concerns me that you refer to your posts being deleted. Is this a new version of censorship?
  25. Ross, Does the current confidentiality undertaking represent what I have speculated in my post #98 and for the sake of eliminating any speculation on this thread would you please post a copy of the undertaking for us. The undertaking itself cannot be argued as 'confidential' it is simply a process document. The last time I saw the document it was in my opinion benign and simply sought an undertaking of a representative member to 'do the right thing'. Previously the confidentiality undertaking was an onerous document and required the representative member to treat all Board meeting information as confidential, this was a real problem as it justified the allegations of secrecy from the members. The undertaking was subsequently changed to basically require the representative member to respect confidentiality where it applied to genuinely confidential matters.
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