RAAus is and always will be a conflicted entity.
How can a single entity be a member representative organisation and a pseudo regulator in the same function.
This was foisted upon us; we had no choice. It is effectively a pandoras box.
Anyone who thinks that we can write a procedural or technical manual and not have it subject to the Regulator vitoe is seriously deluded. This however, does NOT mean that we cannot construct such manuals in a consensus process, to say otherwise is complete BS. So why don't we?
Just remember that whatever we write can be styled, edited, amended or vetoed by the Regulator, because the Civila Aviation Act and Regulations are hierarchically higher than any Standards or manuals we write.
This is exactly the case for building regulations. I am a member of several Australian Standards committees for fire safety measures and we write the building standards that are referenced in the National Construction Code (NCC) (BCA). The standards are written in a consensus process by all the stakeholders ..... BUT .... Where the Standards are referenced in the NCC, they form part of the regulatory structure and MUST BE STRUCTURED in accordance with the regulators guidelines. In this case the regulator is the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). They can and do dictate policy to us, we form the technical requirements for safety (when they let us do our job), and they edit them to suit their policy.
Why do we think we are so special that we think we can run our little renegade bunch immune to the influence of the Regulator.
Get a bloody life guys ... Wake up and smell the roses.