It is disappointing that there is so much misinformation being promulgated about our incorporated entity. The change in the structure has NO negative impact on the rights and privileges of members; my local aeroclub has been a company limited by guarantee since its inception in the late 70s. We have always been incorporated it is just that we are incorporated under the Corporations Act and Regulations instead of incorporated under the Associations Act.
The directors are NOT paid and can never be paid unless a resolution by the members agrees.
The statement that "The change in the structure of the board means that never again will a fellow Territorian sit at the board table and input into decisions: Even if he has PhD in aeronautical engineering and a string of business degrees!" completely lacks integrity because anyone can stand for the Board even if certain characteristics may be desirable, ultimately you and I as members decide who we vote on the Board; not the sitting board.
It is difficult to understand what would motivate you to suggest that ..."...the board will now be dominated 'skills-based' Canberrans who are part of the inner clique, and if positions are salaried, it will change the altruism of serving the organisation, and the competition for positions. Vested interests will doubtless become yet more vested, now that money is involved". When the information you base this statement on is just simply NOT correct.
We the members decide where our organization goes, we can either be a part of the bitchy problem or get off our negative asses and do something positive to ensure we maintain our right to fly. Yes right ... unless we are so involved in bitching, it is taken from us by the one and only organisation who I am absolutely convinced doesn't want us flying. CASA.