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About bull

  • Birthday 21/01/1965


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  1. .just banked to Gusto,s side and let it dribble down and out the...
  2. .ultralights and has been a life long member of the AUF and bemones about the "so called" RAA all the time whilst drinking beers with Bull and CT down at the local rissole.Now what this has to do with "Pattersons Curse" i have no idea but i'm sure that Cappy has it all .........
  3. .............as it was then found that the bodies had somehow......................
  4. Zeppelins in a Fog, the modern naval name for sausages and mashed potatoes. Zeppelins , Railway Canteen sausages. A supper of sausages and mash, referred to these days as zeppelins in a cloud .
  5. ............zeppelins in a fog [bangers and mash] .and make sure to...............
  6. ....pair of jocks and a shower in a can deodorant and some imported flavoured..............
  7. ........in 1777 as old Cooky landed ashore with rum and food and sperm etc and the crew made the most of it ! This goes part way to explain old Cappy,s ancestry and race, Now some say he was mixed welsh and irish and several other countries but no one really knows much about our very own [NES] el Capitano/Cappy/ Rat whatever pronoun he is using that day. He is a man of mystery amongst us all and so intrenched into the higher levels of the NES that he has missed scrutiny and now it is time for him to...............
  8. .......paper tiger [AVREF ,,,long overdue to!] re:"Paper tiger" is a calque of the Chinese phrase zhǐlǎohǔ (simplified Chinese: 纸老虎; traditional Chinese: 紙老虎). The term refers to something or someone that claims or appears to be powerful or threatening but is actually ineffectual and unable to withstand challenge. !...Now this announcement cause a ripple of disent all alone the............
  9. .scoffed down he viagra and was in his prime. But unrest was in the air [avref]amongst the fair maidens who had started to ................
  10. .......and some red paint which was used on Bull,s second jackaroo and was quite striking too.... Now this...
  11. .nothing to do with..........
  12. .or rotax dealers around here, as his 503 disintegrated somewhere over.........
  13. This was my first jackaroo,and my second [side stick control]
  14. .found it strange that the :Bull: was seen leaving town in his jackaroo looking over his shoulder. The steers warning loud in his ears Bull was not...............
  15. Disclaimer: Bull has been advised by a higher authority that his last post IS FULLY COMPLIANT with the posting rules of the NES as it is changing and :continuing the edit of a NEVER ENDING always CHANGING story..................[just my rant for the day]
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