........just wack on a 50% tariff on those frozen hot dogs from Turdies cat farms industries [the yanks love em] even old Donny likes his hot cats as they call them now . This trend started spreading world wide with OT and Turbo and even old Cappy where soon building the new Hotcats brand with franchises selling at a rate of 3 a minute ...The smiles at the annual investors meeting at the Bone rissole soon got off to a great start with OT .................
....now OT was booked in at Cable beach resort for some much needed RNR [weekend piss up] so was somewhat distracted when the question was asked and so unzipped and.........
.....protuberance he was always generous in the tip after the girls did this one thing ,and Mavis [on loan from the Bone rissole] got the most of all for .....
.................."SUCKERS" and had the BRB [the real one as the fake killery had was a promotional model for demo,s etc ]safely stashed in his bum bag he dashed for his trusty aircraft and ventured forth into another dimension....Bull was seen flying into the sunset in his jackaroo with rotax screaming with his middle finger held high as he did a fly bye and.........
.........big red button,,,,,,,Leave that button alone ,yelled Patton [OT in disguise],,the fate of the whole world rest upon that button Turbo! Now give it here like a good boy and we can...................
..........so overcome by the ability to hide wearing a garbage bag with a hole in it that she robbed 3 banks four bookies and the bus driver on the way home ,,made a killing!,,great styling efforts said OT sitting over in the corner over there with that young Shirley,s sister Amelia who was well known for...........